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Comments 28

calendar_woman October 13 2010, 02:08:38 UTC
The next day left a feeling of confusion settled over them; they both spent most of their morning at the shop wondering just what exactly had happened the night before ( ... )


england_giles October 13 2010, 02:16:30 UTC
"Good! Good." Buffy glanced around awkwardly, fidgeting a bit. "Uh so, did anybody... uh... last night, y'know, did anybody, um... burst into song ( ... )


calendar_woman October 15 2010, 00:19:11 UTC
Buffy glanced at each of them, a long pause drifting in the air before she said softly, "I don't remember," and then shrugged, "But i-it seemed perfectly normal."

"But disturbing," Xander chimed in. "And not the natural order of things, and do you think it'll happen again?"

Jenny shrugged, glancing to her husband, who replied, "I don't know. We should look into it."

"With the books," Willow nodded.

Jenny frowned, her hand on the back of Rupert's chair as she asked the top of his head, "Do we even have any books on something like this?"

"Well, we just gotta break it down," Xander told her. "Look at the factors before it happens again. Because I, for one--"

Rupert cut him off by once more bursting into song, sitting forward and pulling his glasses off, "I've got a theory, that it's a demon - a dancing demon!" and he made a face, "No, something isn't right there."

Willow was next to join in his song. "I've got a theory - some kid is dreamin,' and we're all stuck inside his freaky Broadway nightmare.Tara nodded her agreement, ( ... )


england_giles October 15 2010, 00:29:57 UTC
They all stared at Anya a moment, Giles blinking as he tried to process the sudden musical outburst of hers. In his periphery he spotted Jenny sitting beside him, reaching for a book and giving him a little smirk as she sang, "I've got a theory we should work this fast..."

He nodded, smirking back at her as he joined her in song, "Because it clearly could get serious before it's passed." Patting her shoulder, he got up from the table and went to climb the stairs to the loft when Buffy's voice stopped him.

"I've got a theory. It doesn't matter."

Giles paused, turning back to face her as she looked at all of them, the melody changing.

"What can't we face if we're together? What's in this place that we can't weather?" She raised her eyebrows. "Apocalypse? We've all been there."

He looked down as Jenny turned to him, the two of them exchanging a smile as Buffy continued, "The same old trips - why should we care?"

The children joined her melody. "What can't we do if we get in it? We'll work it through within a minute. We have to try ( ... )


calendar_woman October 15 2010, 00:44:39 UTC
Xander was the first to break the silence, taking a seat at the table once more looking a little dazed. "See, okay, that was disturbing."

Jenny chuckled. "It wasn't that bad, Xand," she chided half-heartedly, perching on the table just slightly and crossing her legs ( ... )


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