5.03- Free To Be You and Me

Sep 24, 2009 21:58

Heya guys! :D

I'm just gunna cut to the chace here;
Tonight's episode...was SO UTTERLY AMAZING.
seriously, it's quite possible that it is going to end up in my top 10 favorite episodes ever.

My thoughts under the cut.

Today, you're my little bitch. )

puppy!eyes, dani needs to stop flailing, kripke=god, sam and dean are love, omfgwtfbbq, supernatural, s5spoilers, cas and dean are eyefucking again, edlunds a mad genius, omg show, dani's fangirling, ep review, dean is a bamf, castiel luffs dean, cas demands respect bitches, lucifer is a gqmf, sammy winchester is love, kripkes a magnificent bastard

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Comments 12

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twivamp92 September 25 2009, 19:23:55 UTC
lmfao, omg I didn't even realize that!! xDDD

Kripke's totally read Sons. or atleast Gamble has.


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twivamp92 September 25 2009, 19:24:40 UTC
he was just hilarious.
Misha was utterly amazing in it.When he was just flipping his shit and like downed half a beer I lost it.


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