It's been a long time

Apr 20, 2013 17:05

ETA: This isn't on Facebook or G+ because I don't like posting stuff like this over there - too many coworkers there ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

m0rg4n April 21 2013, 09:33:00 UTC
Paper writing and speeches are both things that come to some people naturally but the rest of the world has to practice.
If you haven't had to do it before (or in a long time) it's going to be a struggle but that doesn't mean you "can't".
Is there anyone you can give a rough draft to before turn in? Or someone that might help you practice your speech?

I run into the issue of "if it's not something I can do well - I don't care and don't want to do it at all". It's a mental battle.
One of the things that helps me is setting little bitty goals. Looking at the whole thing is overwhelming so start small.
I don't know if there are small steps you can focus on but at least you know you aren't alone.
I'm sorry you're so far from home. I can't imagine being away from the kid cuddles helps you mentally at all.


twigasaurus April 22 2013, 01:59:44 UTC
We do have each other look over our speeches and our papers. We will also practice giving our speeches *vomit*. I don't know when it happened but I really don't like talking in front of groups. I can't take it seriously - and if I do I start to get anxiety symptoms like tightness in my chest.

"I run into the issue of "if it's not something I can do well - I don't care and don't want to do it at all". It's a mental battle." <- S.p.o.t..o.n. I think that setting small goals will help. I just see a mountain of work rather than the fact that it's just a bunch of small little tasks.

I'll get through it - I just won't do as well as I want to.


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