I don't know for sure if this is my last entry or not. I doubt it, but right now I feel like it is. Anyway, the past couple weeks have been really fucked up. I'm starting to wonder if I'm beginning to build a tolerance to my "medication" or something. I'm cutting again, and in excess. (SSH. I trust you guys to silence.) It sucks because now I have
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Comments 2
HUGS AND LOVE TO YOU! I wish I could do something to make your life less miserable. T_T Why can't I do anything to help you?! Why don't I have magical powers that can *POOF* make you better???
I think you're in a wierd position right now. We don't exactly want this, but once you know where you're going in life and what it is you'll be doing...things are at least easier, if not clearer. But because you're in the GED classes and looking for a job (unless you got one and I forgot...) it's kind of a confusing state right now. If it weren't for Polaris, I'd be confused and frustrated. I just hope things get easier. I love you muchly!!! <333
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