kotono: step 19

Mar 10, 2009 09:28

Haven't worked on this in a while, but I found myself with a little free time last night. :)

Let's finish up that crown, shall we?

So after adding all the foam parts, it should look something like this. But now it's got all those holes all through it and that would look pretty horrible once we get to the painting step, so let's fix that.

After considering caulk (which, really, would have been ideal), I decided that would have been too difficult under the circumstances and it wouldn't leave as smooth a surface.


Piece of cardstock, exact-o knife, rotary mat, pencil (5mm or smaller - that's actually my pencil from my drafting class in college!), needle nose pliers, super glue (the slow-setting variety), and scissors (optional).

This is a similar technique I used to filling the gaps in the hearts. Cut out a small piece of card stock and line it up with the edge of the foam. Make sure it covers the whole side and is flush with the back. Next, trace the foam as close as you can with your pencil.

Next, cut out your piece. Go a little inside the line. If you can't manage that, trace the line exactly and cut of a teeny tiny bit of the straight edge.

Put the super glue all along the edge of the foam. Using your pliers, line up the piece of cardstock and attach to the foam. Tap it with the pliers to make sure it's secure.

Continue in this fashion until you have all the gaps filled. Then, go back with your 1:8 diluted modge podge and seal the foam. Go over the cardstock, too, sealing any gaps and reinforcing the bond between foam and cardstock, and foam and model magic.

Proceed to Step 20


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