I don't have the frame of mind to think up some clever quote…

Mar 07, 2005 19:59

Today has been wonderful. I had a job interview after school. It was an interview for my first job ever. I didn't get the job on the spot, but the interview seemed to go really well. Target said they'd call me back within the week ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

auntie_ann March 8 2005, 02:50:45 UTC
Erin was telling me about that when we were walking down the hall and I couldn't help but bursting out in laughter. You make me smile J. Gosdin :D.

<3 Annie-lee


flutiegirl March 8 2005, 02:56:22 UTC
I'm glad your interview went well. YAY! :-)
I think that's all I'm going to comment on for this post... hehe


__ian_curtis March 8 2005, 03:18:25 UTC
Ah, Josh you're funny! I'm sorry that happened to you, but I'm also glad I'm not a girl


thuloveshertofu March 8 2005, 04:41:28 UTC
I heard about that during 6th. I can't believe you had a boner during class.


red_nights March 8 2005, 05:03:18 UTC
wow that's just awesome!


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