"Part of having emotions is learning to integrate them into our lives."

Feb 19, 2005 13:25

This entry is dedicated to Catherine. She was so flustered that I hadn't updated in a long time. So Catherine, here's lookin' at you, toots ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

red_nights February 20 2005, 04:04:54 UTC
i heart you my Josh! Don't feel bad.


humphries February 20 2005, 04:36:26 UTC
i feel your pain and i share in your joy. i *heart* you. and btw, i'm more than willing to help in any way with ur physics and us hist. i really do mean that. i know ppl say that and then it never happens. but you knwo im always around. ; )



gray_rain_drops February 20 2005, 05:12:55 UTC
Awwww . . . thanks for dedicating your entry to me . . . it's very intriguing =P

And don't feel bad for failing. I mean, it's not like you purposely failed. Everyone knows how badly you wanted to perform or help out in any way possible. Just don't make yourself too mad or sad about it.

Also, I'm glad that your Valentines Day went well and that you got your drivers permit :)



hateful_dreamer February 20 2005, 05:24:54 UTC
Everyone is getting grounded! =( I feel so free but have nowhere to go. Baaah. You still owe me an e-mail from... Like... 3 weeks ago. =P Hope things get better and don't kill yourself studying.


angelodeath_sry February 21 2005, 02:47:46 UTC
SoOo there will be more preformance's and musical ensembles in the future, don't worry about that.

As your section leader (though I never really act like one) one of my jobs would have been to make you feel as bad as humanly possible for basically letting our drumline down.. but I don't need to do that. I see you're making yourself feel bad enough already, you've always amazed me by your self honesty and discipline.

Don't give up hope, (We're all going to be/stay your friends no matter what!) I know that we have all confidence in you still.. so don't be to ruthlessly hard on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, please don't dwell on them.

Love you lots


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