"Mother Superior." But his eyes were on the other two women - the ones he had not yet met. He had never met an acolyte before, but they were undoubtedly Bene Gesserit. So young compared to most of the ones he had known. Sheeana too, had been surprising that way.
Arha was quiet and had been for awhile, simply watching Tess and Katara work, so still she could have been made of stone. They were definitely getting better. She blinked and finally moved, her blue-within-blue eyes soft as she peered at Duncan.
She was dressed in her white leather, the buckles gleaming in the light as she turned.
"We were almost finished for today anyway." Sheeana signaled her students to come join her. "Sisters, meet Duncan Idaho, one of the few men permitted to learn our ways." This was mostly for their benefit. Since their Sharing, Arha knew everything Sheeana knew about him...
Katara had been anxious to do some training since the nightmare, and she had thrown herself into this, staying focus. It didn't mean she was perfect, but with Tess's help, they were able to be a formidable match (JUST formidable) against Sheeana. When Sheeana had them stopped, she exchanged a knowing look with Tess, happy to be with her sister again. Once she introduced the man (he looked like a boy, but if Sheeana said MAN, there was little doubt) Katara paid attention. This was the one Sheeana had talked to her about. How exactly did you react to someone like him though?
Katara just gave him a polite bow, smiling. "It's nice to meet you Duncan: I am Katara, of the Southern Water Tribe."
Comments 25
"I didn't mean to interrupt."
She was dressed in her white leather, the buckles gleaming in the light as she turned.
Katara just gave him a polite bow, smiling. "It's nice to meet you Duncan: I am Katara, of the Southern Water Tribe."
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