Who: Charlotte and Brayden
What: Talking
When: Sunday day
Where: Torrent
Why: Brayden said he needed to talk to her, and she said that she would indeed talk to him
This place is turning upside down, and shaking all of our change out, and Charlotte's tossing her hair to the hounds )
Comments 16
"Hey stranger." He slid into the seat across from her as he offered her a grin. She looked quite stunning in her jeans and hoodie, and Bray pondered momentarily what might have happened had he and Bri not reconnected the way that they had. Charlotte was definitely a kind and gentle woman, not his usual type, but there was something compelling his honesty at that moment. He hoped they could at least be friends, because it was something he needed in this town.
"Thanks for meeting me here." He really was relieved. "I know I sounded like a crazed loon, but I just needed to talk face to face."
"Urgent." He repeated, sighing a little before checking to see if she'd ordered. "Can I get you anything?" He asked finally, looking around to see if the line was short enough for him to quickly place an order. He was delaying the inevitable, but in the short time that he'd had getting to know Charlotte he'd come to find he enjoyed her company immensely, and didn't want to ruin that just yet.
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