I was going to run today, as I haven't been smoking cigarettes lately . . . but I had a few adderall, started packing my apartment, and 8 smokes later I'm listening to the wrens and thinking I should say hello
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I expect there are many important issues and events and happinings in my life that could serve as a lengthy update, but I've pushed them aside to mention a few trivial things that are occupying my present thoughts
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I must have visited miami's health center five times in the last several months and I've just been misdiagnosed for the third time. I don't know a lot about strep throat, but I know I've had a recurring case since december and it's moved into that stage where I'm getting really bad migraines and I'm afraid that it's moved from an immune response
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I do not download music. Therefore, you should buy me more feelies, b-52's, the wedding present, and a million other things I can't think of right now.
I abandoned the two tickets I had to see Will Oldham play a gig at a 150 person venue while he was visiting his family for thanksgiving, I simply had too much work to do.
Am I crazy?
Also, you should check the neosporin label before using it; you don't want to find that you've used your brother's jock-itch cream by mistake