Title: A Certain Thought that Lingers
Pairing: Superman/Batman
Rating: R
Word Count: 13,439
Summary: The decision to use a telepathic link to allow the Justice League to communicate during battle backfires, creating a special bond between Superman and Batman. Batman finds the situation...unbearable.
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Comments 4
And try to be civil for a change. You don’t have to like me to be courteous.”
So there. LOL Actually, it's really great to see Clark standing up for himself and refusing to accept how much of an ass Bruce has been, lately. Especially since even after it took this long for Bruce to admit he made a mistake, he's still being pissy about it. This is, to a large extent, his fault, and he needs to stop taking that out on Clark.
Give it up, Bruce, Clark is right.
But it's clear from Bruce's reaction that he's got a lot more to be worried about than whether or not the link works. Because it apparently *does*. And look.... he *cares* what happens to Clark! ^_~
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