have you been?

Apr 25, 2016 14:41

Is that a new top? Fabulous on you!!

So apparently it's been a really really long time since I posted here. Lots of reasons for that, none of which are worth mentioning, really.

More rambling under here )

the real world is only good for visiting

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Comments 16

mazaher April 25 2016, 19:38:46 UTC
I'm sooo glad you and your sister are back on your feet, and the dogs are all right!


tkeylasunset April 25 2016, 21:30:01 UTC
Thank you for your love and support! It means the world to me!


kaige68 April 25 2016, 19:52:00 UTC
Yes! The top is new! I got it at the outlet store this weekend! Isn't it great?

These are gorgeous!!! Very intricate and well done!

YAY for employment. Now, go write that original fic!


tkeylasunset April 25 2016, 21:30:42 UTC
I just knew that top was new! Fabulous.

I owe you many many belated thanks. You are toooooo good to me!!!

Love love love you!


kaige68 April 27 2016, 18:25:20 UTC
You are very very welcome!


simplyn2deep April 25 2016, 19:52:58 UTC
I'm glad to hear from you! Sad that you're no longer watching the show (I'm not either but thats bc of hiw early i have to be up fir work) and writing. Mostly really sad about the lack of writing because I went back and I've been rereading some of your stuff on AO3.

Those quilts are beautiful! I can't pick which one I like the most though. LOL

As for me, I think it's been longer since I last posted. LOL I'm still working my temp job and I know it's not going to be permanent because that's not how the company works. I also think my time there might be a by the end of May so I've been looking for another job and hopefully it won't take me too long to find and secure one.

I'm still living with my sister and her kids and as soon as I find a full-time job that's permanent I hope to start saving up for you than my own place or a car.

That's pretty much it for me.


tkeylasunset April 25 2016, 21:33:26 UTC
Hey BB!!! So good to see your name pop up in my notices!

Thank you for the kind words about my writing. I miss it like a limb but if the inspiration is currently around, I'm dry as a desert.

Thanks also for the kind words about my wall hangings. I love making them. Maybe I'll even make money from them!

Wasn't your temp job originally supposed to end before now? It's good that you've had it this long. And something new will come up, I'm sure of it!

How's your mom doing? Are you going to get to visit her any time soon?

Take good care of yourself. And you can always email me if you want to chat!


simplyn2deep April 25 2016, 22:22:09 UTC
The temp job was supposed to end at the beginning of February but when I was logging in my hours one time and December I saw that it had been pushed back to May. However they recently told me my production numbers were down so I have this feeling that I'm going to be let go in May. The friends that I've made there say they don't think I'm going to be let go just moved to a different area. I hope that's the case ( ... )


asphaltcowgrrl April 25 2016, 20:20:15 UTC
As much as I love books, I have to say, the elephant is my favorite! Truly amazing work on all of those.

Congrats to your sister! It makes your life so much easier when you like your job and your co-workers.

I'm so sorry about H50. It sucks to watch a show you once loved fizzle out. But, I hope that this does help you rekindle the love for Star Trek or expand out into something new and exciting as well. Let it serve as a new opportunity!

Original fiction can be scary, but on the other hand, it's freeing and much less constraining than fanfic (at least, that's how it is for me). Try it sometime, even if you don't finish or post it anywhere.

Hah! Gotta love the animals though, right?

Me? I've not been up to much of anything. Just the usual. Working, trying not to strangle any family members. My older girl is learning to drive and my anxiety levels just ratcheted up about fifty notches. She's a great driver, I'm just terrified to have my kid on these streets.


tkeylasunset April 25 2016, 21:35:52 UTC
Thank you for the kind words about my wall hangings. I really like the elephant too! He's so happy!

My sister is much relieved, as am I!

Watching a show fizzle is heartbreaking but this may be the impetus I need to write original instead. You're right - it is very freeing, if only it weren't so terrifying.

Don't strangle anyone. They don't have cable in prison, I don't think! Or maybe they do. Still - sarcasm is legal and less stressful!

Take care! And stay off the roads?


asphaltcowgrrl April 26 2016, 17:55:18 UTC
You're so welcome! And he really does look happy. :)

I'm sure you both are.

Yeah, it really can be, especially when it was one you'd been so emotionally invested in for so long. I love not having the constraints of fandom and canon to hold me back, but having to come up with EVERYTHING yourself is rough, too. But you can do it, I know you can! Have fun with it though, that's the whole point, right?

Hah! I've done well so far. Hmm... no cable but maybe I could finally get through the piles and piles of books I have?

Thanks, and you as well. Although, it's not so much my kid I'm worried about, but the idiots that seem to think she has a target on her back. Sheesh. :)


mcdanno_isa April 25 2016, 21:21:02 UTC
Glad to hear about you!! I was worried about the house's issue, I hope things settled well!
Yeah, your not alone on dropped the show, i'm not 100% abandoned, but I wait the rest of fandom give news about the epi to know if i'll watch or not!! :( Sad!!
Sometimes I come back on season 1, where everything was what we fell in love.

I saw your tag, and laughed, because it's so real for me lately. Adult life sucks!

I hope you can find a good place to come back write, anything, original or not, because you are amazing writer, and the world should know that!!

ps: Along to watch season 1, your BPBB Universe fic is still printed on my nightstand for when the miss of our boys getting to hard!

Kisses your babies for me!!


tkeylasunset April 25 2016, 21:37:46 UTC
You are so sweet! Thank you! I can't believe BPBB lives on your nightstand. What an awesome compliment!!

Yes, things are much less stressful in my house now. The mortgage will be paid and the fur babies will eat! I will kiss them for you!

Thank you again!

Hugs & Kisses!


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