Yet More Recs

Aug 09, 2023 02:19

This morning I made an appointment for my dog to be put down, and this evening I had an encounter with a neighbor who made it clear that he thinks I am doing the wrong thing. Both of those have made tonight difficult, so I've decided to do another rec post. I always find them cheering.

I'll be drawing inspiration for this list from a collection Read more... )

fanfic, rec, other fandom, personal, mfu, pros

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Comments 12

dancingpony August 9 2023, 14:27:36 UTC

I’ll say this first: don’t let anyone make you second guess yourself on that kind of decision. Being many years older than you are, I’ve faced that decision many times. It’s never easy, and there’s always someone (usually someone who knows little about the situation and has never faced that decision themselves) who is going to tell you that you’re wrong. You’re not wrong. We’ve never met, I don’t know whether you even ever read your puppy story from Easter, but I know you’re a good hearted person. You love your dog, and you know when the time has come. You know when it’s the best decision, not for you, but for your beloved pet.

With that out of the way, thanks for the recs. I’ve read some of those MFU stories but others look new to mr. I’ll enjoy checking them out.


tinturtle August 10 2023, 05:11:56 UTC
I don’t know whether you even ever read your puppy story from Easter

I forgot. I'm very sorry. :'(

My dog is not suffering a lot, but he has pain from arthritis and overall low quality of life. He doesn't enjoy anything anymore, even eating. He should weigh about 13 pounds, and he weighed just 7.3 at his last vet visit, between not eating and probable loss of protein through his kidneys. He has long hair, though, so it's not easy to see how thin he's gotten, and he can still walk, although it's clear to me that it is unpleasant for him. That leads other people to form their own ideas.


dancingpony August 10 2023, 12:49:18 UTC
Oh. I didn’t mean to make you feel guilty. I just meant that asking for a story about puppies told me you were an animal lover.

But anyway, please don’t second guess yourself. Quality of life is the issue, and you’re the one in the best position to evaluate that. If there’s little quality of life, it’s the kindest and most loving thing to let your dog go peacefully. Keeping a suffering animal alive is for the pet owner, not the pet.


boothros August 9 2023, 14:49:54 UTC

So sorry to hear about your dog, I know just how that feels. I cant seem to click on the rec links, sadly, only the ones in the main body of your post


tinturtle August 9 2023, 15:58:24 UTC

Oh dear. Better now?


tinturtle August 10 2023, 05:13:43 UTC
Thank you for your sympathy, too. It's definitely the worst thing about having a dog.


cim3745 August 9 2023, 15:20:26 UTC
I am so sorry. It's heartbreaking losing a pet. Quite understandable you have to be distracted. Thank you for you recs, I always like your description of the stories and your opinion.


tinturtle August 10 2023, 05:17:21 UTC
I'm glad you enjoy the recs. It's helpful to know they have an audience, even if I'm creating them mostly to make myself feel better.


restorick August 9 2023, 17:06:51 UTC

Thinking of you in not only making but yet to go through with that difficult decision.

I agree with the others that only you know your dog and the situation, and you come across as a good and responsible person.

Also, you have consulted a professional who would not agree to the procedure without good reason.

Take care of you, too.


tinturtle August 10 2023, 05:18:27 UTC
Yes, the vet counseled me fairly strongly to put him down soon when I saw her a couple of weeks ago.


byslantedlight August 10 2023, 15:28:04 UTC
So sorry to hear about your dog, what a horrid thing to have to do. But it sounds like it's definitely the right decision, and you'll be bringing him some peace (I have little patience with people who prolong an animal's suffering for their own sentimentality - better to be kind for them, even if it's sad for you). And I bet he had a happy life with you.


tinturtle August 11 2023, 02:45:31 UTC

Thanks. I think he did have a happy life, overall.


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