Multifandom Fic Bingo: Z is for Zemra Ime, K is for Kaddish, J is for Jamie vs The Food-O-Matic...

Oct 23, 2022 10:11

V is for Vincit, U is for Uxorilocal

I've had limited concentration lately, so I've been reading some short fics. I found these particular ones using an AO3 search for the names of authors who have written fics that are in my Beloved Collection.

T Verano (t-verano) was posting short Sentinel fics regularly a few years ago, and I enjoyed many of them. The particular favorites that I have in my Beloved Collection are Buying Burton, Should Have Been a Cold One, and, most especially, Taking On the World. That last challenges some of the tropes common to a whole genre of Sentinel AUs. I've enjoyed several of those AUs, but also enjoyed reading a critical perspective on them.

Zimra Ime, the Sentinel fic of T Verano's that I read this month, was not one I had read before. It starts with Blair babysitting an infant, and was pleasant, but not a stand-out. The thing I am most likely to remember after reading it is that Albanian is not closely related to any other Indo-European language. 1,481 words. Jim/Blair slash.

Kaddish is a fic by the_alchemist, who also wrote the strange and lyrical Peter Pan fic Songs of Innocence and Experience, which I have recced before. Kaddish is based on Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, and imagines what events might have taken place after the end of the play. It's a thoughtful and affecting fic that ties up some of the loose ends left dangling by its source material. 1,364 words. Gen. Particularly recommended.

Jamie vs The Food-O-Matic is a classic Doctor Who fic by kathkin, who also wrote three fics found in my Beloved Collection: the wonderful In the kirkyard, another Doctor Who fic that I have recommended before; the light and fluffy Too Much, also a Doctor Who fic; and Predelictions, an LOTR fic. (The last is Frodo/Sam slash; I am not a devotee of that ship, or, indeed, of any LOTR slash ship, but I read this fic on the strength of the author and the tags, and found it compelling.)

Jamie vs The Food-O-Matic itself is a cute story about the Second Doctor companion Jamie's struggles with a piece of technology that he encounters during his sojourn in the future. I didn't find it laugh-out-loud funny, but it did make me smile. I especially loved the line, "In truth, he was still hung up on light having a speed. Light didn’t go places. It just was. He’d asked the Doctor, when it had first come up, and got some confusing nonsense about how if you stood far enough away from earth and looked through a giant telescope you’d see big lizards." 1,815 words. Gen

Speaking of ships of which I am not a devotee, Vincit by Emma_Oz is a Jeeves/Wooster slash fic. I've never been able to like that pairing. To begin with, in what I've read of the canon, it never seemed to me that Jeeves even liked Bertie very much. If it were just that, a good writer could probably make me believe in the relationship for the duration of a fic. The pairing also makes me uncomfortable, though. There is a power imbalance between the characters that I can't get around. Or, perhaps, two power imbalances. Obviously, Jeeves is a servant and Bertie is his employer. At the same time, Bertie is an idiot, while Jeeves is both canny and manipulative. I suppose that, for some readers, those two things cancel each other out. For me, though, they just make the thing unsettling from two different angles.

I read this fic because I thought that it might help me understand the Jeeves/Wooster ship. Emma_Oz wrote an A-Team fic, Five times the A Team escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground, that I consider insightful and have collected into my Beloved Collection. In the end, though, the relationship between Bertie and Jeeves was not a primary focus of Vincit. Most of the story was given over to effectively gen Wodehousian antics. These were fairly amusing and told in an adequate, though not outstanding, imitation of the author's style. 3,682 words. Jeeves/Wooster slash.

I also read Uxorilocal by Val Mora. This fic is based on the 1998 animated movie Mulan, which is not a canon that would usually appeal to me, but I was attracted by the new and exotic word of the title. (It's a synonym of "matrilocal".) Furthermore, the author had written the compromise, a Man from U.N.C.L.E. movie fic I enjoyed. Uxorilocal is a pleasant fic about Mulan and Shang's wedding and early married life. It didn't move me greatly in any particular direction, but I enjoyed it. 733 words. Mulan/Shang het.

A: A is for Alpha by Brosedshield (The A-Team; 2,147 words)
B: Before You Can Find Her by CptSacredSaxon (The Iliad and The Odyssey; 995 words)
C: A Case of Discovery by flawedamathyst (Sherlock Holmes; 9,402 words)
D(1): Dharma and Jim by Sheffield (The Sentinel and Dharma and Greg; 1,938 words)
D(2): Don't Sing Tam Lin by jat_sapphire (Starsky and Hutch; 5,952 words)
E: The Electric Fizzing Prick Pistols, or Whatever by whitmans_kiss (Harry Potter; 3,816 words)
F: Fawns and Snakelets by SpaceWall (Harry Potter; 25,511 words)
G: The Great Wall of China by Callisto (Starsky and Hutch; 2,238 words)
H: Hares and Hounds by DarthNickles (Raffles; 31,306 words)
I: If You Left by Anonymous (original series Battlestar Galactica; 339 words)
J: Jamie vs The Food-O-Matic by kathkin (Doctor Who; 1,815 word)
K: Kaddish by the_alchemist (The Merchant of Venice; 1,364 words)
L: the last son by dirgewithoutmusic (Harry Potter; 13,051 words)
M: Masked Ball by Waid (Sherlock Holmes; 31,626 words)
N: nuclear winter by almostannette (The Man from U.N.C.L.E (movie); 2,040 words)
O: The Only Thing by reapertownusa (Supernatural; 1,962 words)
P: Post-Script by SpaceWall (Harry Potter; 1,286 words)
Q: Queer Kissing from The Bible to Harry Potter by Thamiris (meta; 1,722 words)
R: Reification by Paper_Crane_Song (The A-Team; 1,241 words)
S: Scales by SpaceWall (Harry Potter; 17,405 words)
T(1): Third Sex by AxeMeAboutAxinomancy (Sherlock Holmes; 4,413 words)
T(2): The Ties That Bind by Odsbodkins (MCU; 26,609 words)
U: Uxorilocal by Val Mora (Mulan (1998); 733 words)
V: Vincit by Emma_Oz (Jeeves; 3,682 words)
W: What I Deserve of You by Curley_Green (Harry Potter; 1,675 words)
X: Xena Studies by StarWatcher (The Sentinel; 1,203 words)
Z: Zimra Ime by T Verano (The Sentinel; 1,481 words)

fanfic, rec, reading game, other fandom, mfu

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