Multifandom Fic Bingo: G is for The Great Wall of China, B is for Before You Can Find Her...

Oct 09, 2022 20:02

C is for A Case of Discovery, Q is for Queer Kissing from The Bible to Harry Potter, W is for What I Deserve of You

Even though the Professionals Big Bang is on this month, I've still been reading quite a bit of other fic, and I find that I already have enough for another multifandom post. I'm not feeling very well today, so parts of this write-up might be a little sketchy. It will make me feel good to get the post done, though.

The Starsky and Hutch fic The Great Wall of China by Callisto is very sweet, low-key H/C set during Starsky's recovery after Sweet Revenge. I enjoyed it and might want to read it again. 2,238 words. Starsky/Hutch slash.

Before You Can Find Her by CptSacredSaxon is an interesting fic in which characters from The Iliad and The Odyssey are reincarnated in the modern era. I think the twenty years since I read the source material might be too much for me to fully appreciate this fic, but I recognized enough to enjoy some of it. 995 words. Odysseus/Penelope het with other ships.

In A Case of Discovery, a Sherlock Holmes fic by flawedamathyst, a policeman catches Holmes and Watson in what the summary calls a "compromising position." This fic is very suspenseful. (I could even call it frightening, though as a queer person, I might be more affected than the average reader.) There is a good imitation of Watson's narrative voice throughout, and the characterizations are good overall, though I think Holmes's shows the influence of the TV show Sherlock in places. The ending is lovely and beautifully done. 9,402 words. Holmes/Watson slash. Particularly recommended.

Queer Kissing from The Bible to Harry Potter by Thamiris is a meta essay that brings in examples from a number of historical and contemporary sources. Well, um. It has some interesting observations about kisses in the Bible, but most of its other points aren't made very clearly. Its particular ideas about Harry Potter seem farfetched, and it entirely fails to address the fact that any romantic activity between Harry and Sirius Black would be completely inappropriate. That pairing could never resemble David and Jonathan, whatever concluding comparison the author makes. "Um," say I. 1,722 words. Various M/M pairings discussed.

A much more satisfactory pairing for Sirius Black is Wolfstar (Sirius Black/Remus Lupin). I've always dug this ship, even if it is an inevitably tragic one (barring AUs). What I Deserve of You by Curley_Green is a Wolfstar fic set during the first war against Voldemort. This is probably the most difficult period in which to write this ship, given the canon information we have. This fic is bleak, but compelling. Its out-of-sequence storytelling is somewhat confusing; I read it twice, and I'm still not sure exactly how the different episodes fit together. They still combine to give a vivid picture of Sirius and Remus's relationship, however. 1,675 words. Sirius Black/Remus Lupin slash.

A: A is for Alpha by Brosedshield (The A-Team; 2,147 words)
B: Before You Can Find Her by CptSacredSaxon (The Iliad and The Odyssey; 995 words)
C: A Case of Discovery by flawedamathyst (Sherlock Holmes; 9,402 words)
D(1): Dharma and Jim by Sheffield (The Sentinel and Dharma and Greg; 1,938 words)
D(2): Don't Sing Tam Lin by jat_sapphire (Starsky and Hutch; 5,952 words)
E: The Electric Fizzing Prick Pistols, or Whatever by whitmans_kiss (Harry Potter; 3,816 words)
F: Fawns and Snakelets by SpaceWall (Harry Potter; 25,511 words)
G: The Great Wall of China by Callisto (Starsky and Hutch; 2,238 words)
H: Hares and Hounds by DarthNickles (Raffles; 31,306 words)
I: If You Left by Anonymous (original series Battlestar Galactica; 339 words)
L: the last son by dirgewithoutmusic (Harry Potter; 13,051 words)
M: Masked Ball by Waid (Sherlock Holmes; 31,626 words)
N: nuclear winter by almostannette (The Man from U.N.C.L.E (movie); 2,040 words)
O: The Only Thing by reapertownusa (Supernatural; 1,962 words)
P: Post-Script by SpaceWall (Harry Potter; 1,286 words)
Q: Queer Kissing from The Bible to Harry Potter by Thamiris (meta; 1,722 words)
R: Reification by Paper_Crane_Song (The A-Team; 1,241 words)
S: Scales by SpaceWall (Harry Potter; 17,405 words)
T(1): Third Sex by AxeMeAboutAxinomancy (Sherlock Holmes; 4,413 words)
T(2): The Ties That Bind by Odsbodkins (MCU; 26,609 words)
W: What I Deserve of You by Curley_Green (Harry Potter; 1,675 words)
X: Xena Studies by StarWatcher (The Sentinel; 1,203 words)

fanfic, rec, reading game, other fandom

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