MFU Fic Bingo: R is for The Red Pawn Affair

Sep 30, 2022 15:35

The Red Pawn Affair by Mishka is a fic I had been meaning to read for ages. It's a sequel to The Black, White, and Lavender Affair by the same author, which I've read and enjoyed more than once. I didn't like The Red Pawn Affair quite as much. There were a number of good scenes and the Cold War setting was well realized as far as it went. Yet I thought the fic's central conflict was resolved a bit too quickly, not giving enough scope to explore the historical events that form part of the plot. 18,966 words. NS/IK slash.

A: And So the Blossoms Fall by akane42me (1,932 words)
B: Botticelli by Elizabeth Bear (3,874 words)
C: The Chicago Affair by Nataliya (20,132 words)
D: Distraction by JantoJones (1,101 words)
E: Each Our Own Devil by Taliesin (27,073 words)
F: The Final Affair by elfin (23,308 words)
H: The Homeland Affair by ajsqdaway / AJ Burfield (45,489 words)
I: The Incident of the Fellow in the Fellows' Garden by Azdak (28,979 words)
J: Just a Number by JantoJones (404 words)
L: Lost & Found by Kellie Matthews (44,544 words)
M: The Mind's Construction by Azdak (16,801 words)
P: Past Imperfect by akane42me (3,129 words)
R: The Red Pawn Affair by Mishka (18,966 words)
S: Safe Harbor by Kellie Matthews (48,030 words)
T: To earn your wings by rallamajoop (7,041 words)
U: Uncle Boris' Kitchen by Avery11 (6,644 words)
W: Waging World Peace by Alex51324 (32,445 words)
X: The Xavier's School Affair by C. Wehst (11,064 words)
Z: Zugzwang by Azdak (3,464 words)

Total words: 344,371

fanfic, reading game, mfu

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