MFU Fic Bingo: I is for The Incident of the Fellow in the Fellows' Garden...

May 25, 2022 06:00

A is for And So the Blossoms Fall, P is for Past Imperfect

The Incident of the Fellow in the Fellows' Garden by Azdak, which I read last week but didn't find time to post about, is a crossover between the Lord Peter Wimsey series and MFU. It's more a Wimsey fic than an MFU fic, but I still enjoyed it a lot. The mystery element is beautifully done, and the writing evokes the prose of the period well. Thanks to elmey, who recommend this story when I was seeking recs of long MFU fics. 28,979 words. Gen. Particularly recommended.

Yesterday, I found that my RSS reader has been mysteriously leaving some fics posted to AO3 out of my feed. Two of those left out were And So the Blossoms Fall and Past Imperfect, both by akane42me. I caught up on them today.

And So the Blossoms Fall is a fic on what, for personal reasons, may be my very least favorite theme. It is well executed, though. 1,932 words. Gen.

Past Imperfect is an interesting, dreamlike fic with an unusual premise. I liked it quite a bit and may read it again to catch any details I missed. 3,129 words. Gen.

A: And So the Blossoms Fall by akane42me (1,932 words)
B: Botticelli by Elizabeth Bear (3,874 words)
C: The Chicago Affair by Nataliya (20,132 words)
D: Distraction by JantoJones (1,101 words)
H: The Homeland Affair by ajsqdaway / AJ Burfield (45,489 words)
I: The Incident of the Fellow in the Fellows' Garden by Azdak (28,979 words)
J: Just a Number by JantoJones (404 words)
L: Lost & Found by Kellie Matthews (44,544 words)
M: The Mind's Construction by Azdak (16,801 words)
P: Past Imperfect by akane42me (3,129 words)
S: Safe Harbor by Kellie Matthews (48,030 words)
T: To earn your wings by rallamajoop (7,041 words)
U: Uncle Boris' Kitchen by Avery11 (6,644 words)
W: Waging World Peace by Alex51324 (32,445 words)
X: The Xavier's School Affair by C. Wehst (11,064 words)
Z: Zugzwang by Azdak (3,464 words)

Total words: 275,074

fanfic, rec, reading game, mfu

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