MFU Fic Bingo: C is for The Chicago Affair

May 16, 2022 02:13

Today I finished The Chicago Affair by Nataliya, which lee_the_t brought up in my my recommendation thread for long MFU fics.

In The Chicago Affair, Illya and Napoleon are sent to obtain the cooperation of a scientist who has been sharing his research with Thursh.

I have mixed feelings about this story. I started reading it weeks ago and quit in annoyance over what I felt was a contrived and implausible plot development. Since the recommendation came from an author whose work I enjoy, however, I decided to give the fic another chance. It did improve and included some interesting conflicts later on. The plot development that annoyed me still feels silly, though. 20,132 words. NS/IK slash.

B: Botticelli by Elizabeth Bear (3,874 words)
C: The Chicago Affair by Nataliya (20,132 words)
D: Distraction by JantoJones (1,101 words)
H: The Homeland Affair by ajsqdaway / AJ Burfield (45,489 words)
J: Just a Number by JantoJones (404 words)
L: Lost & Found by Kellie Matthews (44,544 words)
M: The Mind's Construction by Azdak (16,801 words)
S: Safe Harbor by Kellie Matthews (48,030 words)
T: To earn your wings by rallamajoop (7,041 words)
U: Uncle Boris' Kitchen by Avery11 (6,644 words)
W: Waging World Peace by Alex51324 (32,445 words)
X: The Xavier's School Affair by C. Wehst (11,064 words)
Z: Zugzwang by Azdak (3,464 words)

Total words: 241,034

fanfic, reading game, mfu

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