Book #03 - Blackout (Newsflesh #3) by Mira Grant

Aug 20, 2020 17:11

Blackout (Newsflesh #3) by Mira Grant

When will you rise?

I was absolutely sure that this was my book #4 for this year, but I seem to be wrong. *sigh*

Reading a book about a virus pandemic in the middle of a virus pandemic was... not ideal. Which explains why I am now four months behind on my challenge (when I had been so far ahead like never before in February). For one thing, I stopped using public transport, so had no opportunity to read, and then of course the subject material hit way too close to home. I only picked it back up in June and finished it in August. I guess I should have switched to another book much earlier, but, well, too late for that now.

Of course, the book itself is great.

* The thing that hit me most was "the government/CDC is trying to tell you how dangerous the virus is to keep you tractable". This kind of conspiracy theory is rife right now, and was really tough to read.

* Then there was the "draconic security measures make us feel safe" argument, which was equally hard.

* On both counts, I'm not actually able to distance myself far enough from it to draw a useful conclusion, or to write an objective review.

* The whole idea of cloning was harrowing, and following george through that ordeal was tough as well. Not that it is scientifically possible, but they at least made an effort to explain how it worked in-verse, and I loved how all the other characters reacted to having her ressurrected.

* From a Doylist perspective, it was great to have George back, so I am okay with handwaving the science.

* I liked Shawn's POV a lot. He really is mostly going crazy, but knows it, and that was great. Also heartbreaking, but still great.

* I hadn't actually expected George and Shawn to be lovers, but I didn't mind. I was strangely uninterested in any of the romantic pairings in the series. They were mentioned in passing but did nothing for the plot - which was okay for me this time, because the plot was so amazing.

* I liked everything about George in the CDC lab - she was perfect! And everything about Shawn and co driving cross-country.

* I also liked how she put her finger on how rich people always solve everything with money. Lots of other fiction just accepts that as given and uses it to their advantage. The author did that here, too, but at least she acknowledged it and let her characters voice negative opinions on it.

* I thought the conspiracy reveal was pretty good. Believable. It's always easier if you can blame someone who is not the actual government. US reality is not as easy right now.

* The flight from the White House... I have no idea how I could have done it better (I couldn't), but that last standoff in the tunnel, with dozens of fresh zombies coming at them, that didn't work for me at all. Especially since they had to sacrifice one of their own there. I was not happy with that.

* All in all, it was a great conclusion to the trilogy. I just wish I could have read it last year. /o\

4 stars - A very subjective 4 stars. It's not really the book's fault that I couldn't enjoy it as a work of fiction as much as I usually would have.

1 - 5 stars - The Obelisk Gate (The Broken Earth #2) by N. K. Jemisin [DW link & LJ link]
2 - 4 stars - The Stone Sky (The Broken Earth #3) by N. K. Jemisin [DW link & LJ link]
3 - 4 stars - Blackout (Newsflesh #3) by Mira Grant [DW link & LJ link]

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recs-books, lj-memes

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