Person of Interest

Feb 02, 2013 21:48

Sorry for the radio silence... I don't really have a good reason, just not feeling very sociable this year (ha!), and tumbling head first into a new fandom. neery introduced me to Person of Interest, and while I don't really go for that kind of show, I must admit I really like it.

* I've now watched the first 17 episodes, and still wonder how they manage to be this inconsistent in quality. Some of them rock, and some of them just suck so bad.
* Root Cause was cool, the next one was so bad I kept wondering why they even bother - and it looked like Jim was totally out of character, too. He was smiling the whole time like he was thinking "this ep is just not worth making John look sullen".
* The next one, Blue Code, then was so good again. Especially the exchange between Carter and Reese about it being his lucky day ("getting shot and lit on fire") and her being a girl after his own heart. Aawww. I ship them.
* But then, I ship everything that moves with Reese. Finch, Carter, Zoe, you name it. Maybe not Fusco so much, but I could be convinced of that, too.
+ It's just that Reese is such a perfect character. Broken, knows that he's broken and feels guilty as hell about it, but a responsible and sweet guy at heart. Just that his shell is so hard to crack - which makes him perfect for my fic reading interests.
+ Also, Jim Caviezel is so wonderfully soft spoken. I could listen to him all day (and night ;) ).
+ Carter is awesome. In general, their women aren't as badly written as they could be.
* Although I don't know why Carter is still putting up with Finch and Reese. She always caves, even though she knows they're operating above the law, which should grate on her much more than it apparently does. Not only when they're getting someone close to her killed. *sigh*
* I do have problems with the writing now and then, but to get more Reese screentime, I'm willing to put up with a lot of crap. Like:
- Finch is always too close (and lets them steal the baby! That whole plot was fucked because he was there when he didn't need to be. The baby story was still reeeally well done. I didn't headdesk more than once. ;) )
- Reese is often coming too close to his marks, too. He could have stayed a lot more in the background when Zoe was talking to the senator, for example.
- Finch saying "the machine can't be fooled". Yeah, right. But then that kind of hubris probably comes from developing a huge program like that all by yourself. ;P
- They started out so well with the ear buds, and then suddenly after 8 eps or so, they started making all the characters touch their ear when talking. Waaaah! That's a pet peeve of mine, I admit, it just annoys me so much that they did the right thing at first and then screwed it up. :(
- Oh, and the annoying voice-over exposition that is so obviously inserted after they finished cutting the ep and think they need to make it clearer what one of the characters is doing (like, which apartment they're now breaking into). I have seen little clumsier exposition than theirs. *sigh*
+ I love how the storyline with Elias started. Enrico Colantoni always plays the good guy, and I totally didn't expect this. Very cool.
+ Reese wins at hand-to-hand combat. Always. He doesn't mind a few gunshot wounds. He heals fast. (I'm used to that from all the vampire shows. ;)) I actually like that he's almost invincible like that. Might have to do with my crush on him. ;)
* So, that was just what came to mind quickly. I'm happily addicted, since I still have more than a dozen episodes to watch.
* Oh, and don't worry about spoiling me. I think I have been spoiled by lots of fic already, and I don't think it will take me that long to catch up with current episodes, anyway. I'll get right on that. :D

The fandom isn't all that big, but there are a few good stories around. One of the best (Top 10 Kudos!) was written by neery herself:

Story: Losing Control by
Pairing: Finch/Reese
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Non-Consensual Drug Use
Summary: "It's got to be some messed-up new designer drug," Carter said.

x-posted to dw (comments:

tv-poi, recs-tv

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