Title: The Chronicles of FiveDorks Chat Room 8: FiveDorks Mission #1
Author: tine_cheese
Rating: PG-13
Length: ?
Warnings: Yaoi, No Plot, sneak peak only
Genre: romance, drama-ish, comedy?, and randomness
Pairings: YunJae, YooSu, OTP5
Summary: Five new college students find how college life really is.
Sneak peak 1Sneak peak 2 The
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Comments 34
think ive been a silent reader since now because im hyper xD so ill be back when in a few when ive read ^^
YOOSU are so fricking cute man *huggles* want them to say to the hyungs and maknae about them >< so cute *squishes*
JAECHUN couple are so funny, they both no about each other feeeling but slyly put it it works...well except for chun saying 'WANT HIS HUGE COCKY DICK DEEP DUG INSIDE YOUR ASS' think most of us know jae wants that xD
but OMO when is the YUNJAE action going to start properly man (is yunjae deprived), i hope yunho realises on the date he cant live without jae and then he comes home and rapes jae... in a loving way of course!
WAH can't wait for more! ^^
XD heheeh Jungbo is happy nows >_
YooSu lmao. JunChun soon? Yea, now that will be suspicious when Chunnie cant walk for a few days! I seriously can't wait for them to tell the guys lol
jae wants yunho XD we all know it
lmfao 8DDDD the mission was awesum
lol at mins codenames
su an old man rofl
lol yoochun did nothing at all cept hide in the bush lol
same with su their parts were unnecessary
min likes to fool around with them& tortue them a lil
i think the girl changes her mind easily..but i guess you cant resist yunjae
this was funny :D
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