30/07 - Applications are open. Only one app at a time is allowed. Member who have had a charcter for more then one month can app for a second character. Some changes have been made to the app, and some new rules have been added. Please check the FAQ for more details.
To reserve a character, please fill out the following form and post it to this thread. Please write: RESERVATION, in your header
Reserve for
/our name:
Please notice that reserving a character does not prevent anyone from sending in an application for the same character. It simply means that, in the event of multiple people apping the same character, your application will be considered first. Also, if your reservation runs out, it doesn't mean that you cannot app for the character, it simply means you won't get priority.
A reservation only lasts for one week.
If you wish to app for Time Circuits, please finish reading all rules, game information, and FAQs first. Then, fill out the information in the application below and send it to timecircuitsmods@gmail.com with “Application for [Character’s name]” as the header. Send the application in the body of the e-mail, not as a joined document. Applications that do not follow these rules will be ignored.
Please proofread your applications. We understand that sometimes errors happen, but if your application becomes unreadable because of it, it will be ignored.
Do not send us links to other sites, such as Wikipedia, or images, to explain your character. The application must fully be written out by you. Do not copy/paste from other sites either.
Once your application is accepted, please answer the e-mail back with your character journal and post the information, except alternative history, time choice, and the samples either in your journal or on its profile
[Player Information]
Have you played Chrono Trigger/Radical Dreamers/Chrono Cross? Which?:
How have you heard about the RP?: -Erase if already playing-
Who else do you play?: -Erase if first character-
[Character Information]
Character’s Name:
Is time travel canon for your character/series? If so, explain how.:
Are other dimensions canon for your character/series? If so, explain how.:
Applied limitations:
Alternative history: -please read instructions below first-
Desired time period: -please read instruction below first-
First person sample:
Third person sample:
Should you wish to end your dream of 10 years ago...
Player explanation:
• Contact information: You do not have to provide a Livejournal or AIM address to play at TC, but it will make it easier for other players to contact you and you will need an AIM address to enter chat.
• Games played: You do not need to have played any of the Chrono games to be able to play at TC, but some knowledge from the games can be useful.
Character explanation:
• Species: Human? Demon? Animal? Angel? Robot? Something else?
• Timeline: Please tell us from where in your canon are you taking the character from?
• Time travel/Dimensions: Is time travel or other dimensions canon for the series? If yes, please explain it a little, how is happens, if it’s common knowledge or not, and if it has affected or not your character.
• Appearance : Pretty self explanatory, but, please assume that none of us knows how the character looks. Please include any distinctive marks or anything that makes the character stand out. Links and pictures are not accepted for any part of the explanation.
• Personality: What’s your character like? How does he act around others? What makes him happy and angry? What’s his outlook on life? What’s his mental state? Please write around a minimum of two substantials paragraphs.
• Abilities/Weapon: By abilities, we mean anything from powerful attacks and superhuman strength, to mundane things your characters are just very good at. Things like being good at deducting things, staying calm in intense situations, even making one mean cup of coffee can be counted as abilities, as long as it helps define the character.
• Weaknesses: Everyone has weaknesses. These can range from physical weaknesses to faults in character. Don’t forget, depending on the situations, strengths can become weaknesses. Please write around a minimum of one or two substantial paragraphs.
• Applied limitations: Please describe how characters’ abilities will be limited upon entry. This only applies on superpowers, physical abilities, and the like. If your character is a charismatic speaker or an excellent investigation officer, these abilities stay intact. However, if your character can punch down walls without breaking a sweat, this will need to be weakened. Also, if your character has a special weapon that cannot be lost, please explain how you’ll limit it.
• History: Tell us about your character’s canon. Again, please assume we know nothing about the series.
• Alternative history: THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATIVE PURPOSES. Imagine your character was someone living in this world, you know, real life. How would his history be modified to fit in this world? Would something drastically change about him? Are some dreams impossible now (like become the greatest mage in existence, or trying to dethrone a God)? We only need one paragraph on this, and only the basics.
• Desired time period: Please choose the time period your character will arrive with. Please refer to this post to see which time periods are currently available for arrival.
• First person sample: This is basically a community post. Please make the sample around 10 sentences at minimum. There are no posting minimums for the actual RP, but we want to get a good idea of your character’s voice.
• Third person sample: This is your standard log post. Please make it around two or three paragraphs long, just enough to make us see your RP style. Since this is only a sample, please make it whatever you want, as long as it’s relevant to the RP.