Glee ficlets, Klaine & Puck, AU

Feb 03, 2012 13:40

Title: turn down the noise in my mind
Fandom: Glee
Disclaimer: not my characters; title from Carly Simon
Warnings: mentions of non-con, child abuse, bullying, violence
Pairings: Shelby/Puck, OFCs/Puck, Ryerson/Puck
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 985
Point of view: third
Shelby gives in and her relationship with Puck becomes a lot more serious. When Figgins finds out that Puck and Shelby have slept together he calls a meeting in his office. With Puck, Shelby, Will and Emma all the room, he explains what he's found out, expresses concern about it and then he fires Shelby.

Puck is so angry that he doesn't even realize what's coming out of his mouth until he finds himself asking why everyone cares so much that he slept with a teacher when he was eighteen and he wanted to when no one has ever cared that he slept with a teacher when he was fifteen and didn't.

Cue epic guilt as all Puck's previous hints about Mr. Ryerson come flying back into the other's minds.

For awhile, Puck thought he might be bi. He did a little research and learned that’s what it was called if someone liked looking at both boys and girls.

His pool cleaning business was booming and he’d been having fun with cougars for two years when he decided he was totally straight and refused to look at guys like that ever again.

That was about the time he began tormenting Kurt Hummel, too.


He wasn’t raped. He’s watched some of Mom’s Lifetime channel movies (always with her, understood?), and he knows that he wasn’t raped because guys can’t be raped. Especially not studly, tough boys by balding, chubby, sweaty music teachers. No how, no way.

Shut the fuck up and get out.


The cougars were fun, hot and demanding and such good teachers. Puck liked making them feel good, and most of them took care of him, too. No harm, no foul. Just fun.

But that thing that never happened… it wasn’t fun at all. It hurt. And the worst part was, he knows he could have stopped it, but he froze.

And that flamboyant little fag, Hummel… how could he want something like that? He had to be punished.

Every time Hummel landed in the dumpster, every time he hit the lockers, it was like a punch in that monster’s face, like a kick straight to his balls.


Shelby’s hot. She’s like a grown-up, not-crazy Rachel. All the good parts (fuck, but that voice) with none of the bad.

And, she’s his daughter’s mother. A responsible, successful, not-at-all-crazy mom for his kid. Nothing bad there.

His default with a hot woman is to flirt. And she smiles at him. She invites him over for time with Beth, three nights a week, and his baby girl is so sweet. He adored the thought of her, and then her as a newborn, and she’s back now, all tufts of blonde hair and hazel eyes and the sweetest smile in the world. And Shelby lets him have that.

When he kisses her in thanks, she kisses back.


Puck needs to talk to someone. All of his options suck, and telling Quinn is a bad idea, he knows that as he’s talking, but he’s in love with Shelby and he has to talk, okay?

And Quinn listens. She gets him to spill everything about Shelby, and that first night, and the three times since.


The next morning, Puck’s called to Figgins’ office, and Shelby and Ma and Schue and even Ms. Pillsbury are there.

“Puckerman,” Figgins says, “please tell us the truth. Did you and Ms. Corcoran have sex?”

Puck looks at her, but she doesn’t meet his eyes. He glances at Ma; she’s hungover and tired and seems weary.

Schue says, “Puck, please. The truth.”

“So what if we did?” Puck asks. “I’m eighteen.”

Shelby closes her eyes. Schue’s eyes widen, and Ms. Pillsbury gasps, and Ma sags down.

Figgins freaks the fuck out, and Ma meets him just as loud. Puck stares at him as he shouts about lawsuits and cops and never working in this town again, and Puck really doesn’t get it. He’s never seen Figgins like this before. From what Finn’s told him, Figgins didn’t act like this even when Karofsky threatened to kill Kurt. What the hell?

“Why is this a big deal?” Puck finally demands, and Ma and Figgins both stop shouting.

“Noah,” Ms. Pillsbury says, “you’re a student. Ms. Corcoran is an authority figure. Even if you are legally an adult, she has power over you and she’s taken advantage of it.”

“How many times?” Ma cuts in, glaring at Shelby. “How many times, you bitch, did you put your hands on my son?”

“Why do you all give a shit now?” Puck doesn’t mean to ask it. He knows that it’s better if people don’t know about the cougars, but he really doesn’t get it. He was barely fourteen the first time he played with a cougar. If something was really wrong with it, then why did Vanessa take him to bed?

“Now?” Ma repeats, turning to face him. “Noah…”

Puck shakes his head. “I’m eighteen,” he says again. “And I wanted it. Hell, I kissed her first. Why do you care now, when you didn’t before?”

And, oh, he did not mean to say that.

“Before?” Schue parrots, and Puck’s about done with this.

“Yeah, before,” Puck says. He looks at Figgins, at the spineless bastard who let him torment kids for so long, and who still gives bullies full run, and he shakes his head again. “I know I should’a fought, but I didn’t - I was so scared, and I think he slipped me somethin’ ‘cause I knew then I should’a fought. But no one noticed.”

Ma’s mouth drops open. “You mean,” she starts. “I noticed… you just got so angry, out of nowhere, and I didn’t know what to do.” She begins crying and Puck cringes. He hates making Ma cry.

Figgins hisses, “Ryerson.”

Puck winces, and his eyes hit the floor.

“Oh, fuck,” Schue mutters.

Someone touches Puck’s shoulder; he flinches back, and can’t be there anymore.

He runs.


Finn’s the one who finds him later, because they’re still each other’s boys.

“How you doin’?” he asks, dropping beside Puck in their super-secret hideout from when they were eight years old.

“I’m fine,” Puck says.

Finn nudges his shoulder. “I know we’ve had our problems,” Finn says quietly, sounding like the boy who let Puck cry all over him and share his bed for a week after Dad left. “But I’ll listen, Noah. If you wanna talk.”

Puck doesn’t want to talk. He really doesn’t.

He takes a deep breath. “You know about the cougars?” he asks. Finn nods. Puck says, “That’s how it all started.”

Finn doesn’t interrupt. And when Puck starts crying, Finn leans in and offers his shoulder, and lets Puck cry.

Title: I hate to break it to you, babe, but I’m not drowning
Fandom: Glee
Disclaimer: not my characters; title from “King of Anything”; all song excerpts belong to someone who is not me
Warnings: AUish for season 3
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 665
Point of view: third
Prompt: I would love it if someone sang “King of Anything” to Will. And I will have your babies if you have Kurt be the one singing it.
Note: the prompter then commented that singing to Finn was fine, as well, as long as Kurt sang the song.

"Your song this week should send a message," Schue announces, clapping his hands together. "Anything you want, to anyone you want."

Kurt tilts his head, pondering. He glances at Blaine, then at Finn, and back to Schue.

There is something he's been wanting to say.


"What are you going to do?" Blaine asks on the way to Smoothie King. "I'm thinking of 'Heads, Carolina; Tails, California'."

Kurt snorted. "I'd need a better invitation than anything in that song, sweetie."

"Well, of course," Blaine laughed. "I'll have roses and chocolate for that."

Smiling, Kurt leaned in for a quick kiss. "I'm pondering," he said. "There are two songs possible, but I haven't decided yet.”


Finn snarks at Blaine, belittles him and mocks him. Everyone looks away.

Kurt glares, but Blaine doesn’t want him intervening. Wants to deal with it on his own.

Schue says nothing. Of course he doesn't. Finn's his golden boy.

Kurt chooses his song.


Blaine sings, “Could I have this dance for the rest of my life? Would you be my partner every night? When we're together it feels so right - could I have this dance for the rest of my life?” and doesn’t take his eyes off of Kurt.

Kurt blushes but smiles and licks his lips, and Blaine lights up, his song somehow becoming more passionate.

Yes, Kurt thinks. Yes, you silly, lovely boy. A thousand times yes. All for you.


When it’s Kurt’s turn, he smiles at Blaine before looking directly at Finn and saying, “This is for my brother. There are a few things I’ve been wanting to tell you for - well, quite a while, now. But the time never seemed right, and a part of me still wishes you’d just get it for yourself.”

Kurt doesn’t understand why Finn was friends with Blaine before the start of the year and then turned on him. Kurt doesn’t understand why Finn has become so mean. And he’s so tired of Finn’s muttered comments at home. He used to hang on Finn’s every word, back when Finn was the nicest bully, and Finn’s shower-curtain dress was a wonderful touch. But Finn is being so childish, and thinks he’s so amazing, and Kurt’s done with it.

Finn sits up straight in his chair, eyes wide. Santana raises an eyebrow. Kurt just smiles some more and sings to his brother. “Keep drinking coffee, stare me down across the table while I look outside. So many things I’d say if only I were able, but I just keep quiet and count the cars that pass by.” Finn blinks, and it’s so obvious he still doesn’t get it. Honestly, Kurt’s starting to think he’ll never will.

But he keeps looking Finn directly in the eyes, and he sings what he’s been dying to say for months. “Who made you king of anything? So you dare tell me who to be? Who died and made you king of anything?” he demands, and Finn flinches. Santana claps, and Rachel tries to lunge to her feet, but Santana grabs her.

Kurt ignores them, continuing, staring Finn down. “All my life I’ve tried to make everybody happy, while I just hurt and hide, waiting for someone to tell me it’s my turn to decide.”

A duet never sung, connections never made, trying to hide and being unable. Surviving, but not living. He’s done with that.

He pauses for a moment before the end, standing tall and strong, unbroken. And then he stabs Finn straight in the heart, like he’s been stabbed so often before. “Let me hold your crown, babe,” he purrs, smiling his coldest, sweetest smile.

No one says anything as the music ends. Kurt lifts his head high, smiling.


Finn doesn’t talk to him for over a week. Kurt really doesn’t care.

“You didn’t have to do that for me,” Blaine tells him, holding his hand as they walk to their cars.

“Of course I did,” Kurt replies, lifting Blaine’s hand to his lips and kissing his knuckles.

title: i, title: t, fanfic: glee, rated pg, wordcount: drabble plus, fic, point of view: third person, slash, tv fic, het

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