Title: Friends and Birthdays Pairing: JunMa Rating: G Note: Just something that hit me. I wasn't going to write a birthday fic. I think writing two Jun's beats everything but yeah still felt I should write something
Hahaha my last JunMa fic was weird beyond proportions and while this declares to fare no better I think its appropriately cute to make up for all other lackings XD
I'm afraid I am horribly dependant on your comment.
Hahaha. Ever since I stopped promoting I depend on my friend's comments for support....
I did promote recently and lo and behold it made no difference XD XD
I guess in the end to everyone else nande_daiyo isn't mm_nani and right now I'm afraid even if I posted as mm_nani it would make no difference XD XD
Ah I'm and endangered species so I say: You must comment!
Just pulling your leg, I can completely relate to school as being hell and find myself too tired to comment on what others are doing because fuck I don't have a freaking clue as to what the hell I'm doing how am I supposed to relate to other people???
This story is to me a glass full of warm milk and chocolate chip cookies. It's so full of warmth and love without making me cringe or flail insanely. Because it feels so so real how friends should be :)
Thank you for writing this without making them hump or tongue :p
Comments 12
It looks like Jun was spoiling Toma instead of the other way around lol
and just about an hour I was thinking where are all those "Junma birthday fics?" XD
(The comment has been removed)
Hahaha my last JunMa fic was weird beyond proportions and while this declares to fare no better I think its appropriately cute to make up for all other lackings XD
*I didn't comment in your previous two fics but I read them too -_- stupid work/school has been hell lately
Hahaha. Ever since I stopped promoting I depend on my friend's comments for support....
I did promote recently and lo and behold it made no difference XD XD
I guess in the end to everyone else nande_daiyo isn't mm_nani and right now I'm afraid even if I posted as mm_nani it would make no difference XD XD
Ah I'm and endangered species so I say: You must comment!
Just pulling your leg, I can completely relate to school as being hell and find myself too tired to comment on what others are doing because fuck I don't have a freaking clue as to what the hell I'm doing how am I supposed to relate to other people???
Because it feels so so real how friends should be :)
Thank you for writing this without making them hump or tongue :p
Really cute. <3
Thanks :D
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