I don't think it does. I forget what the Yuletide cutoff is, but Yuletide goes by individual plays and AO3 counts rather than lumping "Shakespeare's histories" together as one fandom. There's 78 fics for Richard II on AO3, and 55 for the Henry IVs, and 82 for The Hollow Crown collectively (29 of which are crossovers with Snow White and the Huntsman, for what that's worth). I don't think it'll be a huge problem; fandoms much bigger than this one make the cutoff for the midsize fandom exchange all the time. I imagine most people still think of it as a rare fandom, especially since I don't think your average fan is aware of most of it. When The Hollow Crown aired I remember all sorts of people on tumblr who were all "WHY IS THERE NO HISTORIES FIC."
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