The Thrilling Tale of How I Turned My Mother Into a Sterek Shipper and Teen Wolf Fangirl

Dec 31, 2014 14:50

All right, so let me tell you about a couple of awesome things that happened in the second half of the year. I meant to share them when they actually happened but then I was busy and... yeah. But anyway.

So, in July, I continued watching Teen Wolf. I'd stopped at some point at the beginning of Season 3A, for some reason, cause I got stuck and had other shows to watch or whatever, but in July this year, I started rewatching it.

I quickly got obsessed with it again and wondered why I ever stopped because Season 3 was so awesome?? Anyway, I had to fill some sort of fandom void because my previous main fandom, Big Time Rush, kind of broke up (kind of not, but really, they're at least taking a looong break), so I decided to fill it with Sterek fanfiction. LOTS of Sterek fanfiction. After finishing the show for the first time, I've also rewatched it like, three times since, so year. Big obsession.

At some point in October, I decided to check out Sterek podfics (and can we just talk about how awesome podfics are?? How did I not listen to these things before?). Anyway, I loved that I'd found a way to "read" fics without actually reading them, so I started listening to them in my car on my way to work, and then in the evenings at home.

Often, I didn't turn them off when my mum got home, and she half-listened, but didn't seem very interested in them.

Fast forward to November. My mother and I were sitting in the kitchen, and I turned on the podfic version of No Homo. And my mum listened. And was interested. And laughed. And seriously enjoyed it. And whined when I turned it off because I had to go to bed. It's a long fic, so we had to listen to it on several nights to finish it.

Then one night, we were about to reach an amusing scene which I remembered from the first time I'd read the fic.

Me: Okay, pay attention now - this part is good.
Mum: Oh, I know what happens. *smiles*
Me: What.
Mum: *keeps smiling smugly*

And that's how I found out that the night before, after I went to bed at 1 am, my mum opened Google. Then she typed in "Stiles Derek fanfiction", and ended up clicking a Tumblr link. Without even knowing the freaking title of the fic, she then just happened to stumble across a link on a rec list to the very fic we were reading. And proceeded to read the next three chapters of the fic.

I just... I WAS SO IMPRESSED?? I mean, there is a lot of Sterek fanfic out there, and the fact that she happened to find the one fic we were reading after like, ten minutes of googling... that's just seriously impressive, right?

So yes. That's basically the story of how I turned my mum into a Sterek fangirl. And at that point? SHE HADN'T EVEN WATCHED THE ACTUAL SHOW. She knew nothing about the characters, didn't even know what they looked like, and she loved them.

After that, it spiralled downward quickly. She started looking for fic to read on her own. She started spending whole nights reading fanfiction when she should've been sleeping. Like, she seriously stayed up till 5 am to finish a fic because she couldn't tear herself away from it.

And then we started actually watching the show together, and she quickly became obsessed with the actual show as well, and today, she's still reading a ton of fanfiction - even during lunch at work! - and adores all the characters, but mostly her "Stilesy".

I'm not sure whether to be proud of myself for turning someone completely uninterested in slash, werewolves and fanworks into an obsessed Sterek fangirl, or feel bad about sucking her into this... heh. :3

Since this post is long enough now, read about what happened next in the next post. ;)

rl: random, rl: family, fandom: teen wolf, gif posts

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