I have to be completely honest and say that I'm glad to be going back to school. As stressful as classes tend to be, ESPECIALLY with this being the year before NEWTs, it's a lot calmer than home with all the kids running around.
That and I'm looking forward to seeing all my girls again. Vati and Padma, Lav...Ginny...
So since the entire rest of the school is all of a dither about who's going with whom to the dance, I figure I'll be the nonconformist and go stag. First of all, how on earth am I supposed to narrow down the list of ladies who want to go with me? Secondly, why do what everyone expects of me? It's overrated.
Well, I guess it's about time I started working on getting a date for this dance. I mean, being myself, it shouldn't be that hard (kidding!), but I'd still like to get a headstart before I end up stuck going with that Bulstrode chick from Slytherin. Gah.
So, ladies? Any takers? I can assure you that you will have a night to remember...;)