Apr 17, 2011 19:50

Making its approach.
Prepare for...


Beginning on Saturday. April 23. Lasting two weeks, ending on May 7.

The first thing you will notice is an enormous, flying, yellow shark with buck teeth flying around, doing really awkward backflips as it flies around the City of Nautilus, all the while making "HURR HURR HURR" noises.

This individual's name is Hurrdurr'gha. This is the Deva of Hexes, and he's very... special.

Making its approach after Hurrdurr'gha is a city. And what a city it is.

Covering the sky of Nautilus is the City of Pillow, the city in which Hurrdurr'gha guards. The first thing one will notice is that it's upside-down; you look up, and you see the city just kind of. Hanging over you. However, a switch in Nautilus -- by the Heart of Nautilus -- will show up and permit people to "escalate" to the city if they so choose. Skip to about 7:00 and you know what we're going for here.

The city itself is laid out a bit like so. The goofier districts have a very odd appearance, in that they're extremely freaking WEIRD and seem very cartoonish, not unlike Toon Town from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" Buildings made out of bacon, the fountains are spewing fish oil, and things are just damn odd. The District of Baking Powder and the district of Slinkies aren't anything special, they're just effin' weird as hell. The other straightforward districts (Memories and Transportation) are more straight-forward and look like ruins from Cambodia.


The District of Memories
Experiences shall echo; memories shape the stone. In this district, when one walks into the ruins, the interior will adjust to portray itself in symbolism or directional appearance to a person's memories. Brief mirages will appear before you, acting out something from memory. It's not real, though. It's just the district responding to your presence. The memories can be something happy, sad, terrible, or even something mundane.

The District of Baking Powder
No one can expect the unexpected. POOF. There are various things to experience in this district! Here you can experience the Zoo of Pillow, which will contain some... interesting creatures. Some creatures will include tribbles, JarJar Binks, a vomiting donkey, etc.
In some locations, when people speak, they will suddenly talk backwards, or speak in a completely different voice. (Ex: Starscream will suddenly sound like Sean Connery.)

The District of Transportation
How did you like that curse? Primarily, one will notice the District of Transportation will have a yellow symbol pasted in some areas. If one is to touch the symbol, it will abruptly transport you to anywhere randomly in the city. Otherwise, one will also experience various odd curses planted on some of these symbols, such as transforming into a walking piece of intelligent fruit or a toaster. Something silly or serious, up to you!

The District of Slinkies
Nothin' at all, nothin' at all. The first thing to automatically notice is that there's a giant, gaping hole in the middle of the district. Upon arriving over Nautilus, it has slowly begun to repair itself. Should one say the word "slinky", a song will play. Additionally, when a slinky appears before a character, should they refuse to play with said slinky, they will be run over... by a log.
However, be wary. The scenery will change when you start to get closer to the hole in the district; colors will invert, creatures will speak of vague words and implications. Yes means no, no means yes. Hello, and good-bye.

Throughout the entire city
Keeping updated. There will be electric bulletins giving updates on the place, or to answer any questions one might have or just be a jackass. The voice of the bulletin boards will sound like this dude.
To get to the heart. You will have to go through a series of ridiculous platforming trials. Jumping on top of goombas, collecting mushrooms, and tacking a flag in order to reach the heart! Yes, you will be going through a Super Mario Bros-type location in order to get there. The heart of Pillow is covered by what appears to be plastic wrap, but it's unbreakable. The interior glows purple.

You will also meet various unusual people here -- Angelli and Ashura alike! Strange crap will happen here. That is the way of the City of Pillow.


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