U dont diserve that kind of treatment and ur a really pretty girl so i think u should just tell them all like fuck of cuz their just a**holes and u dont need that in ur lief and i hope that u get a better job i now u can do it.
btw i think ur super sexy and the way you talk is reall hot
Aw babe, I also think you're super sexy and you get me all hot and bothered the way you talk. You talk reaaaal pretty like ;D
Anyway, I'm sorry, that's really shitty. You'd think they'd let you know about the whole you can't take work off thing. I would have cried too, only probably in front of them...
I hope I'll still get to see you. Perhaps one night we should have a sleepover. In Chicago, so you're not so lonely and stuff. Invite Sabrina :) <3
Comments 7
btw i think ur super sexy and the way you talk is reall hot
Anyway, I'm sorry, that's really shitty. You'd think they'd let you know about the whole you can't take work off thing. I would have cried too, only probably in front of them...
I hope I'll still get to see you. Perhaps one night we should have a sleepover. In Chicago, so you're not so lonely and stuff. Invite Sabrina :) <3
I almost did cry in front of my manager.
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