[Closed] It's A Date! Well...Sort Of.

Jul 16, 2010 22:31

Characters: Jyuushirou Ukitake and Zeetha
Content: Some friendly conversation and dinner.
Setting: Starting on the Amestris, heading into town.
Time: Evening, after sabotage is done
Warning: None

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zeetha, jyuushirou ukitake

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god I'm so sorry so for this daughterofchump July 17 2010, 06:18:11 UTC
"Of course," she said, recovering herself enough to get a good look at him, not registering his pause much at all.

He hadn't actually been bad looking in the infirmary, but he was definitely looking better now. More cleaned up. Of course, he had really looked best on the deck, with the sun shining through his beautiful long hair which had streamed out in the wake of the magical energy created when converted his blade to its true form...

It was funny how that memory had grown on her with time. She had noticed he was nice looking from the start, but she hadn't really noticed it until recently. Oh, how good he'd look if they ever sparred, with that smile of anticipation on his face, waiting to strike at her with all his force.

Well, they wouldn't be doing any of that tonight, but perhaps, if things went well, she might get close enough to smell him. She was horribly curious how smelled. She wanted to know if he smelled sick, if that was something she could smell on him. He had said she could ask him things, but there was no way she ( ... )


daughterofchump July 19 2010, 09:38:28 UTC
Zeetha could understand that, the closest thing she had to an artistic flair was on the stage.

"Oh, geez," she said, thinking on his question. She didn't really have many interesting things about her, did she? Of course, she had a few obvious, okay, one obvious factoid she wanted to keep from him for a while, but was there anything else about her that someone might not guess?

"Well, I'm not very good at cooking," she said after a pause. "I know how to do the most basic stuff for the trail, but that's it. I never got good at it. But maybe you could have guessed that."


wavesandthunder July 19 2010, 10:12:56 UTC
"It's not entirely surprising, no. Being in the military tends to teach one how to cook squirrel, and not much else." He sighed slightly at his own memories of cooking. "I keep trying to learn more, but unfortunately I haven't progressed much past 'average', I think."


daughterofchump July 19 2010, 10:29:00 UTC
"I think average still beats me," she said. "Everything but cooking meat I had to learn over again in the Badlands, we didn't use the same rations. Now there's something you wouldn't have guessed, our marching staple was called chuunu. It's potato that's been cooked and mashed and dried into a powder. It's very light and you add hot water, actually any water, to eat it."


wavesandthunder July 20 2010, 06:48:43 UTC
That got a somewhat curious blink out of him. "I wouldn't have guessed that, no. I suppose it can't taste any worse than hardtack, though." He looked back down the street - they were starting to get into the city proper, now. "If you'd like, I can try to teach you some, though like I said, it's not exactly a hidden talent of mine or something."


daughterofchump July 20 2010, 07:54:27 UTC
"It's very bland, though," Zeetha said. "That's one reason we like very spicy peppers, it takes a very small amount of finely ground powder to flavor our rations. We carry salt too, but it's much heavier."

She too, looked around as they began to get closer to the city heart. The buildings had stopped looking exotic to her, but she still noted them with interest. Different areas of Reial had different architectural styles. She tried not to smile too much at his offer. "Sure," she said. "If it's not too much trouble, or anything." She didn't want to sound too eager, she ought to maintain some pride, however, she'd take any excuse to spend more time with him, even if it involved cooking.


wavesandthunder July 20 2010, 08:39:03 UTC
"It wouldn't be any trouble," Ukitake replied congenially. "My job is really only necessary in times of emergency, so I have a fair bit of free time on my hands." He usually cooked by himself - it would be interesting to teach someone else. "I suppose I should have asked this before I made dinner plans, but...what sorts of food do you like, anyway?"


daughterofchump July 20 2010, 12:04:52 UTC
"No, I like surprises!" Zeetha said. "This is perfect. I was military, I'll eat almost anything."

As for his question, she had to think. "I don't think you have a specific kind of food I like best, I've enjoyed sampling things from different regions. Generally, I like specific items within a regional style better than others, but I have no general favorites. Though, I suppose I tend to like things that are more spicy and flavorful."


wavesandthunder July 20 2010, 22:51:22 UTC
He grinned in reply. "Good - I think you should be able to find things you like here, then. There's a fair bit of variety. My own cooking is a bit less interesting, but I know one or two really flavorful recipes."
Still, this was as good a reason as any to learn a few more.


daughterofchump July 21 2010, 05:53:15 UTC
Jyuushirou didn't have to worry about Zeetha being picky. She was already determined to have a good time and be happy with whatever choice he had made. The most important thing to her was that he wanted to spend time with her, so in her mind the food was just a means to that end. She knew how to be tough on people, and critical, and liked to boss them as needed, but there was also another side to her. It was not exactly softer as it was eager to please, a loyalty that was almost dog-like in its lack of guile, despite her intention to remain in control of her emotions and self-interested.

"I'm sure your cooking is fine," she said amiably. "And I'm sure I'll be happy with your choice."


wavesandthunder July 27 2010, 03:45:04 UTC
"Well, we'll find out soon enough," he replied with a grin. "It's just over there, at the end of the next block." He pointed with his free hand - the restaurant's facade was small, but well decorated, with two large red paper lanterns on either side of the door. Jyuushirou had been rather pleased to find the place still there - it had been a while, since he was last in Solare, but it had been popular enough then, and it seemed it's good reputation was enough to survive the gradual downturn of most of the rest of the city.


daughterofchump July 27 2010, 08:53:33 UTC
"Ooo I like the lanterns," Zeetha said.

Reial was full of many different cultures, most all of which had aspects she found difficult in one way or the other. But in most, she found she could appreciate things like the food and clothing and art. Those were the most accessible surface elements.


wavesandthunder July 30 2010, 06:58:32 UTC
Ukitake grinned, taking the last block at a slightly quicker walk. As they reached the door of the izakaya, he held it open for her with a small bow, and an amused grin. "After you." Hopefully they were still early enough to miss most of the rush.


daughterofchump July 30 2010, 08:12:34 UTC
Zeetha matched pace with him easily, she had long legs after all. When he opened the door for her, she gave him a smile and a small, surprisingly graceful inclination of the head before comfortably taking her due as a woman and entering before him. There were some 'chivalrous' notions Reialians had she had little patience for, but Zeetha was raised with a sense of propriety, and customs designed to honor her she felt were appropriate. A woman should be honored by a man after all, especially in this situation. There were plenty of ways she would show him honor and respect in return, if he allowed it.

Once inside, she waited for him to enter and take the lead, if only because he had chosen the venue.


wavesandthunder August 2 2010, 08:07:10 UTC
He followed her inside, letting the door swing shut behind them. It looked like his guess was right - it was early enough that most of the tables were still empty. It was dim inside, but not claustrophobically so - simply enough to give the patrons privacy. They had updated the decor slightly since his last visit, but it was still similar - simple tables in dark wood, with clean lines, a small candle-lit paper lantern providing illumination for the tables.

He held up two fingers to the host to indicate their party size, and they were quickly shown to one of the small alcove tables across from the bar.


daughterofchump August 18 2010, 06:43:35 UTC
Zeetha slid into her seat, trying to look comfortable and casual. She was still a little bit nervous (yes at her age, how ridiculous) but she wanted to be relaxed enough to eat. Going out for food and drinks was a very common dating practice on Reial, after all.

The thing was, Zeetha hadn't really dated much in her time on the main island. She'd...picked up a boyfriend, in the way in which she thought of as normal. She'd developed feelings for a coworker, and she'd met a few people at bars and on the road she'd had some fun with.

But none of that was really dating. Dating had rules and expectations, and while Zeetha thought she had the general idea from listening to other people, it was still another thing to find yourself sitting across the table from the handsome gentleman with long white hair that you wanted to be with.


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