[The feed turns on. Splashes of blood-soaked earth fly across the screen as the journal is jilted about; eventually the screen rests on Jay, kneecap broken in and huddled on the ground in a moaning heap. The recorder is not seen.]
He needs a healer that can set bones. In the forest, north of the village.
[Then the journal is placed on the ground
Read more... )
He loves his brothers for who they are on the inside, but sometimes he wishes he didn't see quite so much of what was really under their skin.]
"There anything I can do?"
The - bandages, please. [He had put them away after using them on Raph, and hoped he wouldn't have to see them again for a while. But even as he wished it, he'd left them at the front of the cabinet.] I - don't think these need stitches.
When he's done, he studies his brother's face, pained and exhausted. Overcome by the urge to touch, to be close to his remaining brothers in whatever way he can, he sidles to Leo's uninjured side and lays a hand on his shoulder.]
Hey, you gettin' tired?
[He can feel unconsciousness gripping the edges of his mind, but he wants to be awake - there. Then the brush of two hands across his skin: one from each brother. Softness from hands full of destruction. And he thinks, he is there. A flame of relief flickers in his chest, and he lets go.]
He swears under his breath, shifts his grip, and lifts Leo out of the tub.]
Raph - the bandages.
You got him?
[His hands flutter at Leo's other side, fighting the desperate urge to take some of the weight onto his own shoulders.]
I can take the other side if you need me.
Don gets him as far as the living room couch, and puts him down there.]
His legs are burned. Do we have anything to put on it?
[As for the other injuries... the plastron nick is not too bad. The shoulder, though, he really does not like. He'll start his bandaging from there.]
You sure he don't need stitches?
He looks Raph up and down, scrutinizing his condition.]
Okay. Go quickly. Don't get in any fights.
[And he closes the door behind him. He'll be back in about a half an hour with everything he needs.]
He's gone to get supplies. Lie still, bro. This - this really should be stitched.
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