[The morning after
this stunt, Leonardo thinks it fitting for karma to come and troll the hell out of Michelangelo and Raphael. He's rounded them up and dragged them out into the town square, quite aware of the head-splitting hangovers that they might be suffering, and is taking up the head in their daily training. It's a nice day out and he's
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Have a grunt. If he could dare to open his eyes enough, there'd be a death glare for you, too.]
I hate you Leo...hate you so much...
Okay, okay. You're off the hook. But next time you get drunk, I'm going to make you finish those thirty flips.
Yep. Remember, do it again and you'll regret it for the rest of your life.
You have my word, bro.
Good. Now go take a shower; you smell like Master Splinter whenever he gets wet.
But he hadn't even noticed until Leo dragged him out of bed at the crack of dawn. He probably would've been fine if that asshole had just let him sleep. But noooo.
Out of the corner of his eye, he spots his brothers approaching down the path and wishes he could get away. But there's no way he could run with his stomach insisting on clawing its way through his mouth.
To add insult to injury, Mike looks perfectly fine. He didn't drink half of what Raph did, and for some reason, that just really fucking pisses him off.
He gags once more and spits the taste out into the bushes.]
Why...do I always gotta be the stupid one?
It's not the same thing.
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