Title: Come To Bed With Me
Pairing: JunDa
Rating: G
Word Count: ~700
Disclaimer: I don't own the people but the story is very loosely based on personal experience *blush*
Dedicated to the queen of fluff
kissmegreen since she asked for a fluffy drabble ^__^
To the fic... )
Comments 17
Great oneshot <3
This is just too cute ^^
Tatsuya can't survive 5mins without Junno.
Uepi has a very cute way of getting Junno's attention...oh and the cuddling scene, it's not written but it's worked up to my imagination and I can see it all ;-)
JunDa really is the sweetest... even in the simplest of situations, the rabu is overflowing *-*
This is very fast! Thanks for writing it hun!
Hehe, and he's just a little too proud to say right away that he needs his big teddy bear to sleep with!!
I'm glad you liked it XD How could I refuse you some fluff when you've been asking for it :P
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And aww Ueda's so adorable in his subtle ways of getting Junno to cuddle him to sleep (because tough boxers like him don't do cuddling...yeah right =w=)
Anyway this was so loved! Thanks so much for sharing~~ <3 *huggles*
Hehe, that's right, he just doesn't want to admit he's a big softy...too soon anyways!
Thank you for reading!!! XD *huggles*
jbgfjbfgjbjdlfg ... sooooooooooooo cute
and again junno is being the ky he is .. he should've understand ueda's intentions from the silly excuses he was making ...
"he wrapped his arms tightly around the other’s body"
I can't even describe what I felt when I read this line ... *faints*
thank you so much dear , it's amazing ... I love it
I'm really glad you like it, I'm not very confident when it comes to pure fluff, so it makes me incredibly happy to read such a lovely comment!!!
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