
Feb 02, 2007 22:44

...this is the 3rd night I've spent without Maia, I'm now doing another 12 hour day tomorrow instead of a nightshift so Maia is having to stay at my Mum's again. I ache all over, I have blisters on my feet, a sweat rash under my boobs and the burn on my hand is now red raw and inflamed through the constant washing and pulling gloves on and off. ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

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therese1968 February 6 2007, 21:38:59 UTC
Thanks and yes you're right it is good to get things out instead of having them all bottled up :o)


angelchild February 3 2007, 22:01:46 UTC

Well, youre not missing much on mine i can tell you lol

Everyone seems to be a bit down at the moment....roll on spring! ;o)


therese1968 February 6 2007, 21:39:25 UTC
Hear, hear!! :o)


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therese1968 February 6 2007, 21:40:45 UTC
You're right I know but reading them all back makes me realise just how negative I've been feeling lately.


scotsbookie February 6 2007, 15:12:42 UTC
Just catching up & read your entry. Please remember that these awful sad emergencies aren't the norm however distressing they are for everyone involved. The very fact that you felt bad about leaving tells me that you have no need to doubt your abilities. Hope by now you have been able to reflect on what happened & enjoyed some time with Maia & Drew. {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}


therese1968 February 6 2007, 21:43:35 UTC
Thanks Audrey :o) I've just been having a crisis of confidence I think. I'm getting so near to qualifying and "flying solo" as a midwife and there was't much "normality" going on in labour ward. Thankfully I had a really lovely delivery on my nightshift which helped and then I REALLY appreciated spending some quality time with Maia and Drew :o)


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