Less daddy!Dean, more angstymanguilt!Dean. Yay.
Title and job from "
Dear Blackbird," by Jane Springer (saddest poem I've read in a very long time omg). Um, 14A for language. Angsty manguilt makes Dean swear a lot. Also 14A because there's no Alex inna church. SORRY JO.
The rest of the thing.
you seriously want a double kidnapping on your list of warrants? )
Comments 4
If people used 14A, it would be easier for me to find the actual porn, is the point.
Omg, Jo + Lorelai = OTP. And Alex is such a little snot. And Sam is such a whiny bitch. And Dean. OH DEAN. DADDY AND HIS MAN PAIN.
Fuck you for not finishing this sooner. By which I mean, THIS IS AWESOME THANK YOU V.V. MUCH.
(Thank you, also, of course.)
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