friends and family...

Mar 14, 2006 22:44

I have not posted an update in some time, and nothing of a personal nature in even longer.  Fact is, there's not been a whole lot going on.

My good friend, Lara Jeane, is back in town, and I have seen her a couple times, which makes me very happy.  Two friends of mine from "back home" (that is a strange phrase, which I have found myself using a ( Read more... )

friend, family, death

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Comments 7

splodgenoodles March 15 2006, 06:39:42 UTC
The poor woman. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing she survived so long, after what happened.

Maybe some of her friends will be there, and you can talk to them and maybe bail out to a bar or a cafe or a park somewhere together and toast her there.

There's always the option of going to the cemetery on your own, a day or two later, and sitting down and hvaing a quiet chat with her and saying your goodbyes then. I know one guy who visited the cemetery on his own and poured some of his friend's favourite drink on the grave.

Whatever you do, good luck.


theoldanarchist March 15 2006, 16:25:08 UTC

Unfortunately, they had her cremated, and they are not having the ashes interred (is that spelled correctly?), so going and visiting later is not an option.

I feel that I should go, if only to be of moral support to my parents and my sisters, who will all be there. It has nothing to do with my aunts and uncles, who I would rather avoid. I'm still not sure what I am going to do...

Thanks for your kind wishes.


debord_saturday March 16 2006, 03:37:09 UTC
Guess that's the kind of stuff that always made me say that blood doesn't determine family. Sorry to hear about it all. It's just hard to have blood with people you don't have much in common with, but it's kinda common, and you shouldn't feel bad about not wanting to spend time with people you don't share anything with other than blood. You know how you feel and it is what it is. not sure that's something to dwell on and give yourself anx about ( ... )


theoldanarchist March 16 2006, 04:18:39 UTC

Wait a minute! When did you become a lieutenant?! At best, comrade, you are a sergeant. I, on the other hand, should be addressed as comrade captain, y'hear?!

Seriously, I appreciate your response.


debord_saturday March 16 2006, 18:56:01 UTC
Well, Mr. Comrade Captain Charles Sir, being an anarchist and all, self appointed titles seems to be the only accurate way of doing these things.
I just got done organizing a DIE-IN in BLOOMINGTON of 60 people, so I think lieutenant is very appropriate! ::nod::


debord_saturday March 16 2006, 20:05:35 UTC
oh shit, wait, I forgot about some of the stuff you said you've done., hm... I salute you. :D


(The comment has been removed)

theoldanarchist March 17 2006, 04:37:19 UTC

Unfortunately, I am out of town until next Wednesday, due to family obligations.


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