
Mar 04, 2010 16:41

the rose nebula, ten/rose, G

The lights of the city are reflected in her hazel eyes but there are also beads of moisture clinging to every strand of blonde hair, every mascara blackened eyelash, every inch of skin and skerrick of fabric covering her. As they catch the light from the stars she sparkles, his own personal constellation. 1341

... )

challenge 25, :sapphire_child

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Comments 31

yourebrilliant March 7 2010, 15:45:21 UTC
This was gorgeous. Loved it :D Who did the art work at the end?


sapphire_child March 7 2010, 23:42:46 UTC
I've no idea who made that picture, it was just one of the prompts for this challenge and I thought it was pretty :P


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sapphire_child March 7 2010, 23:43:14 UTC
Thank you so much.


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sapphire_child March 7 2010, 23:43:51 UTC
Thanks! Lol, I didn't actually make it - it was just one of the picture prompts given for the challenge.


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sapphire_child March 8 2010, 06:54:31 UTC
Haha, thanks! That's what I was aiming for ;)


milieva March 7 2010, 20:50:50 UTC
Gorgeous. He is horribly impatient isn't he? I think he has an impulse control problem. Then again how can you stay angry with someone who is impatient to show you something he knows you'll love?


sapphire_child March 7 2010, 23:46:03 UTC
At times Ten really was like a ten year old ADHD kid on a sugar high (with no offence intended to those with ADHD) but you're absolutely right, it's impossible to be angry when someone desperately wants to show you something beautiful and amazing.

Cheers dear :)


susanb03 March 7 2010, 23:43:04 UTC


sapphire_child March 7 2010, 23:46:12 UTC
Aw, thanks!


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