
Aug 20, 2010 00:14

The blatant proof was your lips touching mine in the photobooth. Ten II/Rose, R.
The Doctor uses his torchwood ID to cut Rose a large piece of sponge cake and white icing smears across the goofy grin that sits there on the card. 1, 032 words.

... )

:mellaithwen, challenge 47

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Comments 35

spellweaver731 August 20 2010, 02:26:48 UTC
That was too sweet! I love it when the Doctor and Rose go to the fair :)
This was my favorite bit:
“I love you.”

“Oh is that why you kept ramming your bumper car into me?”

“Of course.”


mellaithwen August 20 2010, 22:37:52 UTC
glad you liked :) thanks!


quean_of_swords August 20 2010, 03:08:10 UTC

I totally agree, the bit with the bumper cars was adorable. :)


mellaithwen August 20 2010, 22:39:26 UTC
:D thank youuuu


goldencinders August 20 2010, 06:23:52 UTC
So sweet, this was cute :)


mellaithwen August 20 2010, 22:33:41 UTC
thanks :):)


bratflorida August 20 2010, 11:10:08 UTC
All the reasons the fair is so much fun, and I wish for my own Doctor to take with me next time. These lines made me laugh out loud, I just saw 'em in my head as I was reading:

>>Her finger sneaks in between one of the buttons of his shirt and his eyebrows rise ever so slightly.

The moment is lost when a man dressed up as a skeleton jumps out and shouts in their faces. Rose shrieks and the Doctor jumps up in his seat with a loud, “Bloody hell!”

The skeleton chuckles, the ride continues, and the Doctor and Rose silently seethe with their own rubbish timing.<<<

Great fun!


mellaithwen August 20 2010, 22:40:03 UTC
mmmm I'd love for david tennant to turn up on my birthday *sigh* lol thanks for reaaading!!


loverly August 20 2010, 11:53:22 UTC
Oh my gah ♥


mellaithwen August 20 2010, 22:36:43 UTC
:) :) :)


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