The blatant proof was your lips touching mine in the photobooth. Ten II/Rose, R. The Doctor uses his torchwood ID to cut Rose a large piece of sponge cake and white icing smears across the goofy grin that sits there on the card. 1, 032 words.
All the reasons the fair is so much fun, and I wish for my own Doctor to take with me next time. These lines made me laugh out loud, I just saw 'em in my head as I was reading:
>>Her finger sneaks in between one of the buttons of his shirt and his eyebrows rise ever so slightly.
The moment is lost when a man dressed up as a skeleton jumps out and shouts in their faces. Rose shrieks and the Doctor jumps up in his seat with a loud, “Bloody hell!”
The skeleton chuckles, the ride continues, and the Doctor and Rose silently seethe with their own rubbish timing.<<<
Comments 35
This was my favorite bit:
“I love you.”
“Oh is that why you kept ramming your bumper car into me?”
“Of course.”
I totally agree, the bit with the bumper cars was adorable. :)
>>Her finger sneaks in between one of the buttons of his shirt and his eyebrows rise ever so slightly.
The moment is lost when a man dressed up as a skeleton jumps out and shouts in their faces. Rose shrieks and the Doctor jumps up in his seat with a loud, “Bloody hell!”
The skeleton chuckles, the ride continues, and the Doctor and Rose silently seethe with their own rubbish timing.<<<
Great fun!
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