The Walking Dead: 5.04, and Signs Of A False Dawn

Nov 05, 2014 21:18

WHAT UP, ATLANTA!Well, I hope everyone out there in tv land likes Beth! They all really do, I bet. And maintaining that illusion, as well as my bloodpressure, is one of the reasons I continue to avoid any and all TWD chatter whatsoever out there on the internet. (Ahhh, sweet tranquility.) My own insta-reaction to this episode was to send the ( Read more... )

i am of the people of the long wind, musetastic: tv/episode, the walking dead: episode tracking, category: wheeee!, the walking dead

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Re: Excuse me as I ramble in your direction about similar things themonkeytwin November 9 2014, 09:07:02 UTC
Nargh. As always, I'll get back to diving into all of this (splash! wheee!) when my brain is in working order, but I just wanted to say I'm feeling sliiiightly better about Carol again, at least for this part of the season (I'm still anxious about her chances of making it to season six). Ironically enough, I've kind of come back to my very first instinct - she's staking out (well, staking in) Beth and the hospital, and it's just Daryl with Noah in the bushes going for the cavalry - with all the factors I can actually make out, that just feels like the most likely shape. And - so far at least - I can't think of any times the show has killed off both matched pairs in the same episode/event unless they were specifically introduced together (Lizzie and Mika, Mitch and Pete). I'm really, really hoping Dawn serves as a cautionary object lesson for Carol and helps her course-correct. *crosses fingers ( ... )


Re: Excuse me as I ramble in your direction about similar things im_ridiculous November 10 2014, 03:39:27 UTC
*holds you* *no seriously, clinging*

First of all, lovely, as always there is neither hurry nor obligation!
Secondly, yeah, I'm feeling good about Carol (and yeeeeessssss to course correction), and yes, Noah in the bushes/Daryl gathering the cavalry/today!Carol.

If for no other reason than I've gone back to MY original thought, that Beth ain't gon' break. And the only reason she'd be hiding in the bushes from her people would be because she was broken. And our girl weren't broke before, despite everything ('I AM strong', *Dawn*!) and now she's got Carol with her. Our girls are gunna be fine. I think. For now. In any case, we've got Glenn and Maggie to /o\ at this wk apparently...... :(

*clings you some more* *wills day to hurry up and be over*


Re: Excuse me as I ramble in your direction about similar things themonkeytwin November 10 2014, 04:44:56 UTC
neither hurry nor obligation!

But I waaaaaannna. /petulant child (the icon is for me, btw)

And our girl weren't broke before, despite everything ('I AM strong', *Dawn*!) and now she's got Carol with her. Our girls are gunna be fine.

YES. Look, I can't answer for all the people who find TWD frustrating in theme and/or execution, but damn does it cater to my id. It's just like, oh, was that *awesomeness* you wanted? HERE HAVE ALL THE AWESOMENESS. YOU'RE WELCOME.

I think I speak for both of us when I say: We are welcome, show. We are all the welcome.

In any case, we've got Glenn and Maggie to /o\ at this wk apparently

Ahh, I was wondering if they were going to do that. The double end-of-episode hooks of WHAT'S UP WITH DARYL and WHAT'S UP WITH CAROL are plenty potent enough to last through an episode or two away with the other group. Of Araham heading to DC, while we wait for Dawn to be dealt with in Atlanta. I guess it remains to be seen if DC is Dead on Abraham's Arrival, and if Dawn gets Dead on the others' Arrival in Atlanta. (I ( ... )


Re: Excuse me as I ramble in your direction about similar things im_ridiculous November 10 2014, 09:21:27 UTC

*bounces up and down* *tries to sit on hands*


Thinking it's very possible you haven't so. Putting a pin in that for one moment...

*bounces some more* OK STOPPING NAO.

Right. Comment thread.
I think I speak for both of us when I say: We are welcome, show. We are all the welcome.
You do. You do indeed speak for both of us, my dear. Oh show, I love you so.

RE: Glenn v Carol.... oh holy god, I couldn't. I just COULDN'T pick... I think Carol's more likely to survive, for now, but ... no I can't even finish that sentence. AS for Atlanta.... still cannot even. /o ( ... )


Re: Excuse me as I ramble in your direction about similar things themonkeytwin November 10 2014, 10:27:01 UTC
Noooooooooo I haven't (I'm taking it easy on myself and keeping it until tomorrow *clings to you anyway*)

I am just saying........ HAWT. Like, seriously craziest-fangirl-omghaaawwwwwwwt feelings of hawtness.

DUDE. He is all kinds of hawt. AND BAMF. I am down with all-seasons Rick. I approve of this rectification of our shameful neglect of fangirling his hawtness. We'll have to keep an eye on that, it would be a GREAT INJUSTICE to let that fall behind again ;D


Re: Excuse me as I ramble in your direction about similar things im_ridiculous November 10 2014, 12:07:32 UTC
INORITE?! I've spent so much time fangirling my girls lately, that he just kinda re-snuck up on me and BAM!! HAWWT!!! I will be more vigilent in my fangirling duties henceforth!

Don't mind me, I'm just having a little moment over here...ahem.

keeping it until tomorrow
I thought that might be the case. You know where to find me when you're good and ready. All of the clinging.


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