*points at icon*

Dec 18, 2011 02:33

So, like ... bitterlimetwist did this meme what feels like AGES ago and I was gonna do it for her even though she already knows all my Show secrets and then BAM real life and so, like ... I didn't? But then she reminded me and I want to and I have a few minutes, yay, so ... like ... here it is! *beams proudly for doing a meme for that is what my life right now has reduced me to*

Now, going on past entries, many of you know my burning hatred for the best/worst/favouritist evar!!!1!!!1!!!!? memes, and this meme is not that, but I have taken the liberty to tweak the original questions when I find them irrelevant/boring to me. Because. Uh. ? You're not the boss of me, Internet. (Sorry, everyone, it would appear that I am in a Mood. What is it about contrariness that is so damn appealing sometimes always?)

Hi. I'm themonkeytwin and I'm a SamnDean addict. (And not just because they look like that. I mean, checkoutthetextureonthatwalllookit! RAWR.)

(Yep. Definitely in a Mood. I bet this is why they make me come to these meetings. Anyone not in the mood for odd!snark, semi-incomprehensible and occasionally Wrong, turn back now. Fair warning.)

The first character I fell in love with that got me using:

So, uh, yeah, like, Dean? *Obviously.* In the pilot. (Also obviously.)
Hm, wait.
Actually, if I'm going to be honest here in group (and apparently that's important or something? Yeah? Oh.), I'll quote a comment where I replied to fleurlb about some other Show meme:

I can't remember when I started watching, exactly, but I think it must have been late into the writers' strike in S3. I know I caught the very end of Mystery Spot on tv. I remember watching it, not knowing who anyone was or what was going on; Sam was meeting "Bobby" at the Mystery Spot, and watching Jared's performance I knew that the other guy wasn't Bobby. So I was all, "yeah, stab the evil impersonator!" And then he did. And then there was some random Trickster talk and I lost interest and probably changed the channel, because I don't remember the hug or anything.
I guess that put it sufficiently on my radar to consider renting the dvds some time later when I had nothing else to watch, and the rest is etc.

So technically, Sam (and not!Bobby) was the one to get me into The Drug That Is Show.
(Okay. The first character I fell in love with was John. I'm sure we knew this. And that the heirarchy is as follows: Sam, hug; Dean, beer; John, FLIRT SHAMELESSLY. This was understood, I thought. The rest can come and go as they please, I don't care.)

The character I never expected to love as much as I do now thought was a tool but now totally want for my sponsor:

Henriksen, baby! Of course. I mean, he was this annoying, smug bastard when he first came on (AND smack-talking John! ONYD!), and I hated that SamnDean were being hunted by him. And then I kind of liked him when he caught them, and then he became awesome. And then Show killed him. Because that is every minor-character arc on Show. Lukewarm/split fanbase introduction -> become nuanced -> become awesome -> DIE.

The character everyone else loves that I don't keeps inviting to party who seriously harshes my buzz:

Dear Fandom: I don't get it. Signed, me.
Dear Fandom: No, seriously. I don't get it. Is it the woobie thing? Signed, me.
Dear Fandom: He was okay. I didn't hate him. But seriously. WHAT THE CRAP. Signed, you know, me.

The character I love that everyone else hates:

Wait. Pause. This is the second.... Is.... Am I in the right place? This is the Supernatural Anonymous meeting? And there are characters that everyone else loves/hates? Like, even, most? As in, most everyone is agreed?... Are you sure I'm in the right place?
Eh. Bela. (And Gert, too, why not? For getting there four seasons ahead of Becky.) Because I loved that finally there was someone who could put one over on SamnDean, who wasn't a damsel even when she needed saving, who was snarky and twisted and competent. She was a worthy antagonist and I wish we hadn't lost more of her development to the strike.
So much for not being judged. You people.

The character I used to like but don't any longer could never bring myself to give a crap about either way:

Pamela. If Lisa (+Ben) was Andrea (+Lucas) fleshed out, then Pamela was Haley. Only, less fleshed out, in four times the episodes. Psychic Abilities is not a character trait. Seriously, I don't remember learning literally anything about her, as a person, that could not apply to Haley. Smart-sassy-and-sexy rocker chick may seem like a winner to certain types (*cough*teenageboys*cough*Dean*cough*), but unless the point was (eventually) that she basically had an empty life and memorex!heaven was zomg better, she could have done with some actual traits or motivations. (For the record, Friend Of Bobby is to Motivation what Psychic Abilities is to Character Trait.) Not that I disliked her (that would have required some real substance to go with the style); I just wasn't invested in her at all. Like ... at all. I was even, wtf is your problem, honey, he told you not to look, this is on you, stop blaming others for the consequences of your choices.
... Oh. Huh. Maybe she did have a character trait, then. Yay?
... ETA: Huh, I just realised I listed her under the (looong) list of minor characters as my favourites. I dunno what to tell you. Maybe I was blinded by the sass. Or panicking about the Favouritistness. Look, I SAID, I didn't hate her. Just ... I thought I was more meh than apparently I was. I am now. Does that count? You know what, damn skippy it counts. This is my time, group!

The character I used to dislike but don't any longer had to apologise to for my behaviour, it's like a, you know, step. Or something:

Soulless!Sam. Man, it was bad. I'd be dubstepping the purple unicorn snickerdoodle and then I don't even know what they cut it with but I'd just go on these uncontrollable binge-rants all on his perky amoral ass. It's the things they never tell you about, you know? Where were the Peewee Herman PSAs? I mean, if I'd known, maybe I'd never've taken the first hit. (*hands*paynoattentiontowhatgotmewatchinginthefirstplace*hands*)
It's the Man's fault. The Mandroid's fault. With the laser eyes. And they say I'm paranoid, ha!
Look, okay? I don't hate soulless!Sam anymore. (Sit down, bitterlimetwist. How'm I supposed to do my talking-to-the-group thing if you keep bouncing and chuckling and I-told-you-so-ing like that?!?) It is what it is and it's what we got and I can deal. I'm a survivor, and now that the street quality is back on track, I can try to appreciate the experience. Everything once, and all that. (EXCEPT WINCEST.)

The character I'd want to be like kick back and stay totally dry and sober and everything, no, honest, with:

Oh, wait, I know who that's going to be. Walp, since I hate repeating myself, um. Um. I don't know, they're all kind of wretched company in a way, aren't they? I'd say Crowley, because, well, Mark Sheppard, but that's really a meta reason and I don't think Crowley himself would be all that much fun, as such. Although I do enjoy his general lack of bullshit. You know what? Death. On his day off. Or ... Andy. Or Ellen, or something. I bet she knows how to laugh. I don't know.
Ah ... screw it. Seriously. I am OFF this wagon.
(Seriously, though, I like exactly who I am. I mean exactly. Wouldn't even swap out the pudgy bit on the stomach. It's mine, damnit. Because I'm so awesome.)

The character I'd slap punch:

Lilith needs a damn good spanking, I know that much. But seriously? Those hunters that came after Sammy in Free to Be. But only if I could do it with brass knuckles. And Wolverine claws. AND WOLVERINE CLAWS.

My five favourite characters:

John, Dean, Sam, Baby, um. ? Adam? Why not. Keep it in the family.

My deep dark fandom secret:

I'm only here because I flunked out of Memers Anonymous.
No. What? Seriously? Oh. Um....
... I was kind of expecting Bobby to die from the moment they burned down his house but never warned him?
I never cared much about Wifey Karen?
I love it when Show holds up a mirror to fandom and it goes BESERK?
I don't care very much about anyone's hair (although am willing to admit the pretty)?
I've only watched Swan Song once, and found it a little weak?
It doesn't bother me when Dean does Dark things (even though it always frustrated me when Sam did)? (sub-dark secret) I was fine with Dean killing Amy?
Hiatuses, cliffhangers, et al don't worry me either? (sub-dark secret) I could live with them stopping at any time, and having no closure?
I don't know, pick one. I can think of more if you want. Do these even qualify? I'm trying to think of something shocking, but all I can come up with is *pudding!*

... I don't think this program is working for me.

Although, I feel better. Thanks. Let's do this again sometime.

we the entitled, musetastic: memeage, i'm themonkeytwin i'm a samndean addict, no really what is wrong with me, we could be yelling by now, curmudgeonly tendencies, i am of the people of the long wind, category: wha?, the brothers winchester, unrepentantly opinionated

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