DTS fic: Longing

Jul 09, 2007 14:46

Title: Longing
Author: serialbathera
Fandom: Dracula: The Series
Prompt: Chris
Challenge: None
Characters: DTS/Chris reflecting on Sophie/Lucard
Characters mentioned: Gustav, Klaus, Max, Sophie, Lucard
Pairings: Lucard/Sophie
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Set in the future
word Count: 272
Summary: Chris reflects on Sophie and Lucard and his life.
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters
Author’s notes: This is for Meg

They drive me crazy. They always have to flaunt their love, but it can’t be in the normal lovey-dovey, make you sick kind of way. It has to be in the almost subtle kind of way, that when ever you look at them you can tell they are in love forever.
I thought at one time that she actually liked me, but I am definitely very wrong about that. She loves Lucard and everything about being a vampire. She projects it with every single thing that she does.
Ever since Uncle Gustav died during that battle with Klaus, Max has been angrily going after them. We moved to five different cities in the last two months. Or rather he has, I only follow him to keep an eye on him. Even though he is 18 now, he’s still doesn’t know how to keep himself out of trouble.
I should just go back to America, and forget all this stuff about vampires. Maybe I would be able to settle down and start a family and a rock band. I shouldn’t be trekking all through Europe to make sure my geeky brother doesn’t get himself killed, or in a situation he can’t get out of.
Even though it’s been several years since Sophie was seduced by Lucard, and abandoned us all to be with him, I still miss her. And the more I see Lucard and Sophie the more I wonder if I will ever find a love like that. I’m not sure I could be happy any other way. But maybe no one can find a love like that, so deep and immortal.


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