Title: Earnest Appreciation (3/3) Series: Of Innocence and Empathy Author: Frogg Beta: fluffnutter (partial) Rating: FRT-13, mention of f/f slash Disclaimer: I don't own them. Damnit. Author's Note: Set after Earnest Victory.
OK, so Reid's the graphologist, just give him the note. Maybe he can figure out who it's from; but if it's someone they all know, they'd disguise their writing. >-( Poor JJ, this isn't going well for her, huh? Or for Emily, either. Who'd 'a thought having a secret admirer could be such a pain? Ya gotta admit tho, whoever it is has good taste.
I meant 'good taste' as in gifts, not people; it's tacky to hit on someone already involved, to me anyway. Or giving a gift just to suck up. The gifts themselves were tasteful, not the motivation or person behind them.
...unless of course they represent the painful episode in Emily's past, which would then change everything (again).
You know...I don't even like femmeslash. I was writing Earnest Victory, and floundering around for an ending, and then Taddpole had Hotch come outside and say that and I'm like, "What the HELL are you DOING?!? I don't like it!"
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JJ is so Very Not Happy (TM). And Emily...uh. Let's not talk about that.
Good taste? Or a serious need to suck up. Or something.
...unless of course they represent the painful episode in Emily's past, which would then change everything (again).
Also, clearly the only thing OI&E needed to make it perfect was femmeslash.
You know...I don't even like femmeslash. I was writing Earnest Victory, and floundering around for an ending, and then Taddpole had Hotch come outside and say that and I'm like, "What the HELL are you DOING?!? I don't like it!"
And Taddpole's all, "Well, sucks to be you then."
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