175: What a Long Strange Trip It's Been

Nov 14, 2007 22:07

It's always a bad sign when you start fantasizing about killing orphans, isn't it? But I've had terrible songs stuck in my head this week, including two solid days of "The Sun Will Come out Tomorrow," and until you've had sweet but plucky cherubs advising you to bet your bottom dollar there'll be sun (which, thank you for that insight, orphans, but ( Read more... )

highlander, stargate: atlantis, transformers, doctor who, [rec theme: travel and transportation]

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Comments 54

ainsley November 15 2007, 06:17:35 UTC
Not just you, at all.

Though I grant that the world needs a different evil overlord (or *gasp* an un-evil one!). You can have my vote, as long as you keep me in porn.


thefourthvine November 17 2007, 03:01:25 UTC
That is why we will have a fan fiction writer farm. There will be PORN FOR ALL when I rule the world. Also salads for all. Porn and salads: these are the cornerstones of my future empire.

I think you can agree it will last for the ages.


anoel November 15 2007, 06:39:21 UTC
You recced Strata!! That's in my top five favorite fics (along with two other katallison fics, one you mentioned here and one you recced before) and it's just so amazing and includes so many great elements. Even though I'm more about the sex (oh, who can blame me?), I love Methos the most and I don't think "real HL fans" mind that. It's the one's who don't like Duncan and think he's judgemental and only watch Methos episodes that aren't as appreciated. I love how they interact as well and it has such a real, relaxing quality to it. And the "sex scene" that's there which I hesitate to call it that because it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. And it has a lesson that resonates and helps me deal with life! And I always, always think of it whenever I see or hear about the Grand Canyon. God, I love that fic.

I think Dwight from The Office also has evil overlord plans all worked out. But this is also the guy who has plans for if he was serial killer and not the Dexter kind. I have a very vague idea but nothing beyond that.


thefourthvine November 17 2007, 03:07:48 UTC
Strata is indeed an amazing story. I love it dearly. *pauses to reflect on the beauty and wonder that is that story* (Although I have to admit, I feel like I basically said, in this set, the equivalent of: "Hey everybody, there's this awesome book I just read! It's called Pride and Prejudice, by this hot Jane Austen chick, and you should totally read it! It ROCKS!" I mean, is there a point to recommending the classics? Everyone has already read Pride and Prejudice, and I suspect the same is true of Strata.)

It's the one's who don't like Duncan and think he's judgemental and only watch Methos episodes that aren't as appreciated.

Keep in mind here that I don't watch TV basically much at all. I've seen like four episodes of HL. They all had Methos in them, I think. I'm, um, probably precisely the HL fan the listmoms warn you about.

I think Dwight from The Office also has evil overlord plans all worked out. But this is also the guy who has plans for if he was serial killer and not the Dexter kind.Have they considered getting Dwight ( ... )


anoel November 17 2007, 03:17:13 UTC
Oh yes, Jim has many times. Dwight has serial killer plans but he is (or was) a Lackawanna County volunteer sheriff so he would never act on any of them. He just plans on being the "Overkil Killer" to show how much he knows about police work.

But you never know! There's always a new person to fandom or someone who hasn't yet read it and maybe your recommendation will push them over the edge. It's worth the rec!


stop February 22 2008, 19:51:06 UTC
I hadn't read Strata before you recommended it! So you did good!


lilacsigil November 15 2007, 06:49:19 UTC
never trust old people when they're smiling.
By the same mechanism that created your hatred of coffee (grandmother, impressionable child, beverage) I am a teetotaller. The beverage in question was brandy.

And that Transformers story is awesome!


thefourthvine November 19 2007, 03:44:39 UTC
By the same mechanism that created your hatred of coffee (grandmother, impressionable child, beverage) I am a teetotaller.

Old people are mean sometimes. I think that's the take-home lesson here.

And that Transformers story is awesome!

It is indeed; I love it to bits even though my only knowledge of . When I am queen, David will stop wasting his time on having a life and engaging in meaningful work and just WRITE.


brown_betty November 15 2007, 06:58:59 UTC
Eeeee! Isn't it adorableness? It is!


thefourthvine November 19 2007, 03:45:07 UTC
It is adorableness incarnate. And I would totally find out more about the canon, but after that story, the canon could only disappoint.


flambeau November 15 2007, 07:01:49 UTC
...salad mines?


vito_excalibur November 15 2007, 07:22:40 UTC
You find vegetables in the dirt, right? Q.E.D.

Man, I wish you hadn't recced "All These Places We Have Met." Because, see, I know that story. And that story is so good that when you reminded me of it I had to go read it again. And now I have to sob myself to sleep, and really, it's not like I needed more gut-wrenching sorrow in my life at the moment. :P


thefourthvine November 19 2007, 03:49:03 UTC
*pats you soothingly*

I know, I know. But I had to rec it. How could I not? Possibly I should've provided a less painful alternate story, though.

*further pats*


thefourthvine November 19 2007, 03:48:06 UTC
Why does no one understand the brilliance that is salad mines? It's so obvious! See, when I am the evil overlord, we will be operating on a mandatory program of porn and salads for all. Obviously, we will need more salad stuff than can be easily grown above ground. So there will be tunnels lit with UV lamps. And inside, working hard to bring us our lettuce, will be all the people who do not whole-heartedly support the new regime. Also people I don't like. And salad doubters. See? Salad mines: providing salads for all while locking the undesirables away underground. It's a perfect plan!


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