From Bill
February 23 2006, 04:48:02 UTC
u havent wasted my time. and u never will your words are taken to heart. I still care. so what if ur dads an moms a bitch.she left me and moved to alaska.
aaww, bill, i'm so sorry. i know we haven't talked and i feel awful about it. your number is like, always busy i swear. but yeah, if you want to talk you know my number. call me. whenever.
Ditto. (This part is assuming part of that is about me;) I still love you, and I think that no matter what the attemps are what matter. It won't always work, and you as well as others will be hurt but thats life. Keep the ones who care about you close, and you'll get through. all my love ~MJ~
Comments 3
your words are taken to heart. I still care.
so what if ur dads an moms a bitch.she left me and moved to alaska.
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