[This Season on Dollsy's Kitchen... Active, Open]
Characters: Chef Baki
Setting: Blue Kitchen
Time: Day 10
Summary: Baki cooks food and broods over the events at the Dollsy. Guest appearance of Chef Ramsy is optional.
Warnings: Rice Boiling, Saute-ing and possible food flinging? Be careful of hot water!
Wonderful! Better 'zan Mama )
Comments 2
Or maybe that was just Tobi, humming along to this or that song as he came upon the most fragrant of smells that finally had him drifting into the kitchen.
(Well, if it isn't a Sand-nin...)
Halfway through pouring out the last cup, he heard the odd vocal humming of a stranger approaching.
He looked over his shoulder, "Hello, are you--" his thought trailed off as he took in the fellow's appearance. Strange bright orange mask with an even odder design. A robe covered in red clouds. However, the fashion and style of the man's shoes, he recognized as a shinobi's.
Could it be possible? Another shinobi in the house? (Even if the man bore no village insignia, which worried him.)
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