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theclexfactor June 13 2010, 22:30:53 UTC
Thank you my dear. I was actually surprised by how much I was able to write about Lois, but that just goes to show how both overtly and secretly awesome she is.


emerald_night June 13 2010, 19:40:30 UTC
This is just...wow.

Fabulous look at Smallville and Durance's Lois. Fantastic.

And excellent point about early Lois as well. I think I didn't mind the snark BECAUSE Clark was allowed to snark back (and even looked like he enjoyed it LOL!) That was the difference with Lois. She was never on a pedestal for Clark (even now that he's in love with her, she's not - he sees her for who she is and loves her for THAT, not some imagined ideal) and he wasn't passive with her. He gave as good as he got, and still does - I LOVE that that's an aspect of their relationship that doesn't change, romantic or not.


theclexfactor June 13 2010, 22:34:43 UTC
Yeah, after I was able to see it in that way, I liked her WAAAY more, and it makes since as to why the Kents didn't kick her out, lol. She brought life back to Clark, and anyone that makes Clark smile the way she does (and only she does) gets bonus points IMO.

he sees her for who she is and loves her for THAT, not some imagined ideal

This is why their relationship is so refreshing and not at all annoying and just a joy to watch on my screen. He has no delusions about her, but her flaws seem to make her more beautiful to him. And she's the first woman to inspire him to seriously go after her. Clark pulled no punches when he pursued Lois this year and how HOT was that?


svgurl June 13 2010, 20:02:26 UTC
Ooh, I love this post! And I agree with everything you said here. Lois may not be perfect, but she's awesome in her own right.

But now that I look back on it I see that she was the only female on the show Clark was allowed to banter with, to insult as good as he was given, to laugh at without hurting her feelings, and she was the only one that didn't intentionally make him feel guilty about one thing or another.
*nods* This is why I love her so much! I loved them arguing because Clark always gave it back as good as he got it. And Lois LIKED that! He was snarky. Also, as of recently, she's the only one who can make him smile. :)


theclexfactor June 13 2010, 22:38:15 UTC
I really began to see it for what it was in Apocalypse (and Clark did too), and then I was able to go back and realize that all this time, yes, Clark didn't back down from Lois and it made her so much more tolerable than the other women. And Lois did like it otherwise she wouldn't keep baiting him. Hell, they both liked it and that's why they are where they are now, lol. And I love how she makes him smile, play, laugh, and just be the aggressor in the relationship because Lois Lane would accept no less. She brings out his inner Kal.


saavikam77 June 13 2010, 20:54:26 UTC
A thousand times YES to all of this! \O/

Sometimes it feels like Lois is the only character that SV is getting right, but then she'll do something to wrangle everyone else back onto the right paths without being overly dramatic about it, and it's like, AHA! She's definitely serving as Clark's shining beacon of humanity, as intended. :D


theclexfactor June 13 2010, 22:40:45 UTC
I think Lois is the most consistent character on the show, and one of the reasons a lot of fans (including me) love her is that when Clark is written with her, he is even more awesome. The beauty of Season 9 is that both Clark and Lois were pretty spot on. Even when they made mistakes, they learned from them for the better, they acknowledged that they were wrong. And when they were right, they were SO RIGHT. *hugs Salvation and Season 9*


bradygirl_12 June 13 2010, 22:07:05 UTC
I fell in love with Lois in the comics years ago, and even the Silver Age Lois who kept chasing Superman to ask her to marry him was still a kick-ass reporter. By the Bronze Age she'd gone back to her Golden Age roots completely: snarky, intense, ambitious, and independent.

I've always liked Erica's Lois for the reasons you mentioned.

About Lana: if the producers hadn't been so in love with her and made her the central character (!) I would have liked her better. But she's still far more appealing in the comics, my sassy redhead! ;)


theclexfactor June 13 2010, 22:47:46 UTC
Oh, I really like Golden Age Lois once I learned about her and read about her. She was ahead of her time and was the kick off for DC being the only comics company at the time that portrayed ambitious, professional women. I suppose my issues with Silver Age Lois is that she was made out to be the stereotypical woman of the time trying to "trap" a husband, but I'll admit that this is the perception I'm given from panels (probably taken out of context) and not something I've seen first hand (the only Silver Age comic I was able to get my hands on was all about the epic love of Clark and Lex, lol). Erica's Lois is absolutely not only my favorite, but IMO the best and most fully realized ( ... )


bradygirl_12 June 13 2010, 23:41:08 UTC
Oh, I really like Golden Age Lois once I learned about her and read about her. She was ahead of her time and was the kick off for DC being the only comics company at the time that portrayed ambitious, professional women.

She was TOTALLY that! It really was quite progressive of DC to do that (sadly they seem to have regressed in some ways now!).

I suppose my issues with Silver Age Lois is that she was made out to be the stereotypical woman of the time trying to "trap" a husband, but I'll admit that this is the perception I'm given from panels (probably taken out of context) and not something I've seen first hand (the only Silver Age comic I was able to get my hands on was all about the epic love of Clark and Lex, lol).Clex romance? Awesome ( ... )


theclexfactor June 13 2010, 23:53:43 UTC
See, now I want to read all of these incarbations of Lois and do a written comparison. I'm sure it's been done, but I'm a philsopher by degree and...well, I'm a nerd, lol.

But I would love for her to have her own book again. I hope Geoff Johns (who admits that his re-interest in the character is due to how Lois and Clois is portrayed on Smallville) folllows through with getting DC to start a new series for Lois. I would totally read it.


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