Smallville Series Rewatch: Episode 2.01-2.02 (Day 11)

Jun 12, 2010 18:08

Wow, how behind am I?  Sorry, I got distracted by the last few eps of Glee for the season.  Because I love Glee, sorry.  Not as much as Smallville, but they were new eps...sorry.

2.01 Vortex )

fandom: smallville, sv series rewatch project, sv commentary, sv season 2

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Comments 24

tasabian June 12 2010, 23:43:56 UTC
Lex shoots Nixon right before Nixon can kill Jonathan. YAY, right? But why does Lex have a gun with him in the first place? I say he was planning to kill Nixon all along.
That's a very interesting point - from a writing standpoint they needed someone to kill Nixon and none of the Kents could. But if Lex had encountered Nixon in his own, would he shoot him, threaten him or buy him off?

I still love these little hints into Clark's differentness: Martha is using overmits to take out the muffins, Clark uses his bare hands. And Jonathan grabs a muffin and it's hot.
That's such a funny little scene, beautifully choreographed by the cast.

And Clark gets catty with Desiree. Oh wait, maybe I will talk about this scene because it's important that Clark's friendship with Lex is what causes Lex to waiver. Desiree says that "Clark is a part of your past"
Tom's catty line readings are just genius - so funny!

Chloe says that she indulged in her feelings for Clark and ended up getting hurt...YOU DID IT TO YOURSELF!!! *chants*She's a ( ... )


theclexfactor June 13 2010, 00:20:03 UTC
I would've been on the bandwagon if Chloe's fuck-ups were acknowledged as fuck-ups instead of her obviously blaming Clark for not liking her. It's incredibly frustrating. And the other times she fucked-up (Zero in particular), I can't help but think that her apology for prying into his adoption rang hollow by the fact that she still kept the information on him. I can't very well condemn Lex and Lana or anyone else for investigating or questioning Clark and not do the same for Chloe. But I agree that having Lana mess up helped bring her down a peg.

I completely still love Heat to pieces. The part of me that's still a Clexer (and the fact that the episode is just a genuine comedy) can't help but think of this as leftover wonderfulness from Season 1.


tasabian June 13 2010, 02:25:36 UTC
I can't very well condemn Lex and Lana or anyone else for investigating or questioning Clark and not do the same for Chloe.It's true. And this is a little O/T but your post got me thinking....Smallville has a unique perspective on curiosity - usually on TV shows like X files & Buffy, the curious people are the heroes. But on SV, especially in the early years, curiosity is often presented as a threat (with Jonathan the main proponent of "Curiosity is bad ( ... )


theclexfactor June 13 2010, 03:27:11 UTC
I almost always side with the characters who don't accept the status quo and want a peek behind the curtain, even if it brings them into a morally grey area.Well, I can understand that. I was on Lex's side about Clark staying out of the Zero business...until that secret directly affected Clark's family. In later years, I thought Lana did deserve to know what was going on (just as I believe Lois deserves to know) when the secret started to directly affect her. Plus, being in an actual relationship with Clark is different than just being curious about his "otherness". The great thing about all the people that did find out was that, aside from Lex trying to kill Clark (unprovoked), the rest of them genuinely protected his secret. All the times Lois found out, she never told anyone (aside from the one time he asked her to) and actively protected him. And no matter my feelings about Lana and Chloe, they've kept his secret and protected it. I do think Lex, of he'd found out in the earlier seasons, would've protected Clark, but it ( ... )


jlvsclrk June 13 2010, 00:11:50 UTC
Clex for the win! I cannot think about Heat without thinking of acampbell's picspam on the parking lot scene - What About Me?

And yeah, there are moments in the early seasons where I get the appeal of Chloe - the anguish of unrequited love and all that - and then some crack will come out of her mouth and I just get so irritated. She's certainly more relatable than Lana is quickly becoming, but that's not saying a whole lot. I once had this idea of plotting my reactions to various characters episode by episode, starting with the Lex Luthor Scale of Villainy.


theclexfactor June 13 2010, 00:25:51 UTC
Oh I agree that Chloe is more relatable, but at the same time it's like the writers are telling me she's right to be pissed off that she broke up with Clark and is now blaming him (passive-aggressively) for it. But to be fair, there were times where I didn't like ANY of the young women on Smalville (except Alicia, but she was just delightfully crazy, lol) because of their treatment of Clark...but I'm seeing that at least with Lois, Clark was allowed to make comebacks or roll his eyes, whereas Lana and Chloe just liked to make him feel guilty.

I would totally read and comment to your character reactions. That's one of the reasons I wanted to do this rewatch (besides hte nostalgia). I wanted to see how much of a "lightswitch" some of the characters actions have been...and it's proving to be not very much.


jlvsclrk June 13 2010, 01:32:42 UTC
I know its easy to become so attached to characters that you kind of lose track of all the little things they've done along the way that gradually accumulate into a mass that breaks their relationships in half. Lex and Chloe apologists get so mad at Clark for his treatment of them, and never seem to get where he's coming from.

Anyways, that's why I thought of doing the Lex Luthor Scale of Villainy, and the CLana Secrets and Lies Relationship Meter, and the Chloe Sullivan Scale of Snark, but some episodes are just so hard to evaluate! Maybe I'll revist the SOV at least.


theclexfactor June 13 2010, 03:15:24 UTC
Let me tell you how in love I am with the titles alone, LMAO!


serenography June 13 2010, 06:40:21 UTC

Still trying to keep up with these, and still glad you're writing them. I feel badly for not commenting more, but mostly I'm finding your commentary fun for refreshing my memory about some of the details of these episodes, and giving your perspective, and the stuff I don't agree with, I'd rather not argue about. :) But a few comments and maybe one question.

This is the beginning of Lana's suspicions about Clark.
And rightly so. Lana was always a smart cookie, but for some reason (perhaps because she was also so pretty and heaven knows you aren't allowed to be both in the eyes of some fans) she was never given the credit that Chloe was for her intelligence. I remember how a lot of fans practically had grabbers whenever Lana was shown to be using a PC. Sure, the Isis control center was totally over-the-top, but it was a drop in the bucket of incredulous feats when compared to the stuff they had Chloe doing (and being praised for). Gah, it made me crazy.

But why does Lex have a gun with him in the first place? I say he was ( ... )


serenography June 14 2010, 13:13:55 UTC
I absolutely agree with everything you are saying about Chloe. But before I get to the Chlark I should probably touch on Clana first ( ... )


serenography June 16 2010, 05:24:16 UTC
I appreciate very much knowing that there are Lois fans who accept that Clark did love Lana, even if she wasn't his iconic partner for life. In eariler seasons, I did feel that the show could end with Clark and Lana on a good note, as he left to become Superman. I have my own feelings about how well they would have managed if given more of a chance for an "adult" and secret-free relationship, but there's no point in dwelling on that. Once we had Lois Lane appear, and it was obvious that Clark and Lana were not going to have a happy ending on this show. I didn't like it, but denying it was just silly.

Fortunately, after really not liking Lois' early episodes, the show managed to finally get a grasp on what they needed to do with her, and now I've come to love Lois as a character. I can see that she's the woman that Clark Kent's heart belongs to now. He doesn't give that out lightly.


serenography June 14 2010, 13:30:43 UTC
My feelings on Chlark ( ... )


serenography June 13 2010, 06:49:10 UTC

Let me just say that this explanation for his heat vision is my very favorite EVER! LOL

I seriously agree! It just WORKS so well and actually makes sense in a show about a young teenage Clark Kent acquiring new abilities. This episode is a favorite of mine, mostly for the Jonathan and Clark practice sessions. Absolutely hysterical and wonderfully played by both Tom and John.

*chants*She's a teenager, she's a teenager, she's a teenager*/chant*

This is actually a really important point that I often overlook myself - especially when judging Chloe. I think it can also be overlooked when people are judging Lana as a teen girl in a relationship with a boy who she sees shirtless and making out with her friend right before their first date - and she gets bupkus for an explanation. Hell, even if she wasn't a teenager, I almost always "got" why Lana would get SO frustrated, even angry at Clark - even when it was never the poor guy's fault. :(

Some people are grossed out by the Clana kiss in Red,Really? I can't imagine anyone ( ... )


theclexfactor June 13 2010, 12:07:02 UTC
Thank you for joining in the discussion. You are absolutely welcome to voice yor opinions here (especially since you are super polite and one of the most objective fans I've ever come across in this fandom ( ... )


serenography June 16 2010, 05:01:49 UTC
First of all, thank you for the compliment about my objectivity, but I know that I have my strong biases in this fandom like everyone else. What I do try and do though, is to not lie to myself about what is show canon. What perplexes me the most about some fans of the show, it's like they're watching the show in their head and not the one on the screen.

she STILL ACTS THIS WAY as an adult. Lightswitch my ass. She's had some seriously BAD behavior in both S8 and S9, but none of it surprised me. As someone who's always had issues with her, it felt like a natural progression of characteristics we'd already seen ( ... )


emerald_night June 13 2010, 12:48:05 UTC
The Chloe thing, it didn't bug me as much in Vortex (she's a teenager, I got what she was trying to do), to me it was all the snark AFTER. Like in Heat, the line about not being attracted to a girl in Smallville or whatever she said. It was like, really? I understand she was hurt he didn't stop her from the friends thing, but come on.

And I agree with Serenography - I think Clark WAS relieved she brought it up and ran willingly through it.

To my surprise (because I don't remember feeling this way the first time around), I'm liking Lana WAY more than Chloe. I liked them about the same originally. And I'm really surprised when I read comments that this characterization is a change for Chloe because it truly isn't.

I love Heat. SO funny and fun and generally awesome.

As I watch season 2 though, I'm beginning to see the start of mopey 'it's all my fault' Clark. Clark in season 1 was so happy, or at least happier. But now we see the beginning of the angst Al/Miles dragged him through.


theclexfactor June 16 2010, 13:52:04 UTC
And I agree with Serenography - I think Clark WAS relieved she brought it up and ran willingly through it.

I agree. My problem is the "fans" that act as if Clark not liking Chloe the way they wanted him to made him a bad person. Clark is not obligated to love Chloe and IMO he wasn't "missing out" because he didn't love her that way.

As I watch season 2 though, I'm beginning to see the start of mopey 'it's all my fault' Clark. Clark in season 1 was so happy, or at least happier. But now we see the beginning of the angst Al/Miles dragged him through.

I think this is why I've procrastinated in watching this season. There are certainly episodes that I love from S2, but there are so many more that I'm just not in the mood for. But I promised myself that I would do it so I'll try my best to catch up over the weekend. The reviews will probably be shorter though because there's only so much ranting I can do without being redundant.


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