Superman Anniversary Meme - Day 05

Jun 11, 2010 08:32

Day 01 - The first time you ever saw Superman
Day 02 - When you became a Superman fan
Day 03 - Your favorite Superman medium
Day 04 - Your favorite Superman comic/title.

Day 05 - Your favorite live action Superman.

Easy.  Tom Welling.

I know the PC answer is supposed to be Chris Reeve, and for a long time he was my favorite, but that was before Clark Kent was my favorite fictional character of all time.  So even though Tom's Clark isn't Superman by name, he is definitely Superman by actions.

Plus I think there's a lot to be say about watching Superman grow up.  And as any Smallville fan knows, there were growing pains for Clark AND for his fans over the near decade of Smallville's run.  But after the spectacular Season 9, I can't help but think that through all the WTFery some seasons, that it was all worth it to have Clark be so amazing (unnecessary apologies and all, because he wouldn't be Superman if he didn't take the high road).

So, not only does he LOOK like Superman, but Tom's Clark has this presence both on screen and off that exudes a quiet confidence, humbleness, but a regality that you sometimes forget that he really isn't Kryptonian (because nothing that pretty can be human).  So, to quote the twitter hatchtag: Tom Welling is Superman.

The Rest of the Meme Questions are Here

superman, fandom: smallville, meme, character: clark kent/superman

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