Superman Anniversary Meme - Day 02

Jun 08, 2010 09:04

Day One - The first time you ever saw Superman

Day 02 - When you became a Superman fan.

Ok, I've answered this question to many people and I think in my LJ a couple times.  In college I used to watch the Superman: the Animated Series and Justive League/Justive League Unlimited when we were finally granted Cartoon Network in our dorms.  After I became best friends with my now-boyfriend, he and I would make it a regular activity to watch JLU every night.  I started to learn more about the DC characters thanks to him, and he eventually introduced me to my first ever Superman comic (I didn't understand the story arc that was going on at the time).  This is circa 2003.  Shortly after that,  I remember one day I was trying to download JLU episodes and one of the hits happened to be a PDF of the Public Enemies arc from Superman'/Batman.  THIS IS WHEN I OFFICIALLY FELL IN LOVE WITH DC COMICS!!!  And this is especially when I fell in love with the friendship between Superman and Batman.  After that I just NEEDED to get my hands on more S/B comics, which then led me to read Superman comics and Batman comics individually.  But it wasn't really until I was working at Barnes and Noble and I found a copy of the novelized version of Death of Superman.  This book changed my life because this is when I officially became a Superman fan over any other character in the universe, and I haven't turned back since.  Smallville has only made my obsession even worse, especially in the last two seasons.

The Rest of the Meme Questions are Here

superman, fandom: smallville, meme, character: clark kent/superman

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