Smallville Series Rewatch: Episode 1.17-1.20 (Day Nine)

May 30, 2010 13:56

My mom decided to join me, so my thinky thoughts aren't so thinky (I didn't have the opportunity to pause and refllect while I type).  But she's kind of adorable because she kept saying "where's the next one [episode]?  Come on, you got me started, might as well keep going."

1.17 Reaper )

fandom: smallville, sv series rewatch project, sv commentary, sv season 1

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Comments 21

homicidalfink May 30 2010, 19:23:53 UTC
Of these four, Drone and Obscura are my favorites because they both showcase smart!Clark. Reaper was okay, but the only thing I noticed about it was Clark's tendency to get really mad when someone he loves is threatened, which was Martha in this case. Nice continuity to S9 and his going overboard about Zod sniffing around Lois.

I think Nixon is one of my alltime favorite SV baddies, because he was written so deviously and they didn't wimp him out (yeah, I got carried away with the kids and have already started S2. Ahem.).


theclexfactor May 30 2010, 19:34:43 UTC
My mom made me watch Vortex and I wasn't ready yet, lol

Yes, Nixon was a very good villain, if there is such a thing. He didn't crap out or become a woobie at all. He was just a horrible person.

I agree about Drone and Obscura, but all of the episodes had some good character moments, which usually is what keeps me interested in an otherwise not great SV episode.


homicidalfink May 30 2010, 19:44:27 UTC
It's fun watching these with other people, isn't it? The stuff my kids pick up on is different than what my husband picks up on, which makes me enjoy these early seasons more.

And you're right about character snapshots. Unfortunately, I keep waiting for Clark and/or Lex to show up during certain other characters scenes because those two tend to drive the plot along.

I'll have stuff to say about Chloe when Tempest/Vortex comes around.


theclexfactor May 30 2010, 19:54:47 UTC
Yes, Clark and Lex definitely drive the plot. I'm noticing that Clark's scenes with Lex and Lana drive the plot forward, whereas his scenes with his family and Whitney (oddly enough) help to drive his character forward.

I have plenty to say about Chloe since I've already watched and reviewed it, but I have a lot more to add. I have a funky feeling that I'm not being completely objective when it comes to Chloe, but then again I'm being unreasonably fair to Lana so maybe my opinions are correct, lol.


jlvsclrk May 31 2010, 02:37:53 UTC
Glad you've got your mother hooked! I loved it when my sister got into it a couple of years ago. I was afraid I was boring her to tears when I visited with my Smallville obsession but she wound up being the one urging me on to the next one. I had gotten very Lana jaded and would make comments on the early seasons that made her look at me strange - it wasn't til we got to season 5 that she turned to me and said she understood why i was always snarking on Lana ( ... )


theclexfactor June 4 2010, 16:58:51 UTC
I had gotten very Lana jaded and would make comments on the early seasons that made her look at me strange - it wasn't til we got to season 5 that she turned to me and said she understood why i was always snarking on Lana.

LOL, I'm waiting for my mom to realize why Lana is my second least favorite character ever to appear on SV. I think she understands my Chloe dislike though, especially after her meltdown in Rogue.

I go back and forth on my rating of Obscura - so much interesting stuff happened here and its probably the best Chlark moment of the entire series for me.

It may not be the best episode, but I can't see how anyone (and I'm thinking about some people on DI) could rate this episode anywhere near Thirst or Ageless. Unless they just really hate Lana and Chloe that much, and I don't even hate them that much to rate this one so low. I think it's a toss up between Reaper and Crush for Worst Season 1 Episode award though


serenography May 31 2010, 03:54:45 UTC
I just wanted to chime in and say that I'm enjoying reading your commentaries and walking down SV memory lane again. I'm finding it really interesting to hear your perspective on Lana (good or bad) particularly in instances where I see the situation very differently. Ah, the diversity of fandom ( ... )


theclexfactor May 31 2010, 04:48:23 UTC
You can honestly give me your POV about Lana and I will listen because I'm honestly finding her character enjoyable in the first season with two exceptions, and even then I forgave her after I let my rant out because she apologized for that one glaring one. And truth be told I'm throwing Chloe a bone in the last two reviews because I just can't stand her obnoxiousness that I felt I wasn't being very objective after awhile, so I attempted to be nice. But really, maybe your perspective will help me view the Lana thing in a different light.


dustydees May 31 2010, 18:36:00 UTC
Got slightly distracted watching JL/JLU episodes ;) but got through Reaper and Drone. In Reaper, the FOW was a snoozer but the father/son moments were excellent - Jonathan/Clark, Whitney and his father, Lex/Lionel. I admit I was little sad watching the scene of Clark talking with Whitney about Jonathan being around to see Clark achieve all his accomplishments especially knowing what was coming down the pipe and why in a way I hope they are able to bring Jonathan back in S10 for a vision/dream sequence ( ... )


theclexfactor June 4 2010, 17:00:45 UTC
Got slightly distracted watching JL/JLU episodes ;)

This is completely understandable, lol.

In Reaper, the FOW was a snoozer but the father/son moments were excellent - Jonathan/Clark, Whitney and his father, Lex/Lionel.

The father/son comparisons is what makes the episode worth it in the end.

I totally laughed out loud when they were talking about the Godfather ;).

I know, right? lol.


tasabian May 31 2010, 23:38:59 UTC
The Clex scenes in Drone and Reaper are deliciously slashy!

"Slamming the door in [Lex's] face over and over only helps turn him into what you already think he is."--Clark to Jonathan.
Best advice Jonathan ever received. Clark was a very smart boy.

I'm still liking this frienship between Clark and Lana. Can you imagine how great of friends they could've been without the drama?
Lana is great in Drone - a good friend to Clark and shows a welcome tough side in dealing with the Beanery.


theclexfactor June 4 2010, 17:04:06 UTC
I curse Al and Miles for ruining an otherwise enjoyable character in Lana. She was so tolerable/likeable person with flaws in the first season.


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